"I have to share my room too," I replied, unable to hide the smirk on my face, knowing how much more sex I'll be getting, thanks to Amy's need for a new living arrangement dropping her straight into my lap, so to speak. God, I can't wait to run my hands over her sweet ass and get between her creamy smooth thighs and...

"Dad," Katie called out, snapping me out of my lewd daydream.

"What?" I asked, unaware of anything she may have just said since I was completely lost in my lustful thoughts about my soon to be fiancee.

"Yeah, but you want to share a room with your girlfriend. I don't want to share a room with a stinky baby boy." She stood with her hands on her hips as she glared at me.

"For the last time, he's not a baby," I replied, letting my frustration show. Drew hates being called a baby, more than anything so I can see this new living arrangement going downhill fast with those two sharing a room. That will definitely cut into my sexy time with my woman and I don't want that. I better nip this in the bud. "If I hear you call him a baby even one time tonight, Katherine Rose, I will spank your ass raw. Understood?" I glared at my daughter, daring her to challenge me.

"Whatever," she replied, dismissing me almost completely, until she heard me clear my throat quite purposefully.

Grabbing her by the arm, I stood her in front of me.

"I asked you a question, little girl, and I will not repeat myself so I better be hearing an answer in the next three seconds, or you'll be explaining to your new roommate why you're sleeping on your stomach tonight."

She stood defiantly rigid, briefly assessing her options.

I didn't appreciate her hesitation so I made my viewpoint known with a hands on demonstration directed at her backside.

"OW!" she shrieked, trying unsuccessfully to escape from my grasp after I slapped her bottom harder than I normally would.

"KATHERINE!" I shouted, spanking her again even harder this time since she still hadn't answered me. My old man would've been done buckling his belt already after laying down the law and I would've been hopping up and down with a striped ass if I ever waited this long to respond to him. Sometimes I think I'm way too soft on this girl.

"YES SIR!" she yelled angrily. "NOW STOP SPANKING ME!"

"I'm warning you, missy, you better fix your attitude before they get here, or my hand and your hairbrush will fix it for you!" I threatened, in a low dark tone. Releasing my hold on her, I crossed my arms over my chest and stood squarely in front of my obstinate little daughter. "Got it?"

"Yes," she replied in a less defiant tone, brought about by my brief show and tell, no doubt.

"I mean it, Katie. You better be nothing but nice to Drew tonight, or you'll be very sorry after I'm through wearing out your behind. Hear me?"

"It figures you'd take his side."

Oh my God, I swear I'm gonna lose it. This kid is a piece of work.

"There are no sides!" I shouted. "It's not us against them, Katie. I'm trying to build a life here for us. Give you a family!" I shook my head and took a step back as I felt my temper continue to rise. I'm so exasperated right now. I'm not just doing this for me. I want Katie to have a mom. She deserves that. Every little girl deserves that. Sighing, I shook my head. How do I explain this to a seven-year-old? How can I make her understand? I've been doing my best to give her the life she deserves ever since her mom left but she deserves so much more than what I alone can give.

The doorbell rang.

Looking pointedly at my daughter as I walked towards the door, I stated firmly, "I want you on your best behavior tonight. This discussion is not over, but we're gonna table it for now." Putting my hand on the knob, I gave her one last dad look, the one my old man gave me a thousand times growin' up. The one that makes you swallow hard, your breathing quicken, your heart rate escalate, your stomach twist in knots.

Looking appropriately humbled, at least temporarily, I felt comfortable opening the door.

"Hey, you made it," I exclaimed in the most upbeat tone I could muster. I really want tonight to go well, to get this next chapter of our life started off on the right foot.

"DEAN!" Drew shouted excitedly, jumping into my arms before I could even give my woman a kiss. I love how jazzed he is to see me all the time. Katie used to be that happy to see me too when I'd come home from work. It always made my heart swell, made my shitty day on patrol seem worth it. Now, most days I'm thrilled if I can get a slight smile, and I know it's only gonna get worse as she gets older. Once she's a teenager, I'll be lucky to get any acknowledgement more than a grunt.

"Hey, little man. How's the Drewmeister?" I asked, smiling at him as I held him on my hip so I could lean over and give his hot mama a kiss.

"Yep, we made it," Amy said, shaking her head. Wiping her sweaty brow, she sighed as Alex pushed past us without saying a word. Not even a head nod, let alone a grunt. He had his earbuds in and judging from the noise emanating around them, his music was cranked way too loud. Teenagers are fun. It was obvious as Drew wiggled excitedly in my arms, bouncing up and down like he was hopped up on Sour Patch Kids, that she got as much help from her crew as I did from Katie, in our attempts to make this a seamless transition. Mike and Carol made it look so easy on the Brady Bunch, and they had six kids. I don't know how the Hell we're gonna manage this with only three.

"Where's my sweet girl?" Amy asked, peering around me.

"Hi, Amy," Katie replied shyly, halfway hiding behind my legs. She's still so nervous and uncomfortable around her, it's hard to watch. I know it breaks Amy's heart that she doesn't get anywhere near the same excitement level from my daughter upon arrival as I get from Drew. I pray someday she will, for both their sakes.

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