Chapter 59.

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   Loki was seething. Not only he was left out of the discussion of the agreement, but Odin summoned him afterwards to teleport Lestat back to collect his things since the Marquis didn't know his way around the palace and his presence had to be kept under wraps. He asked him about the meeting the moment they landed in his quarters, barking a curt 'Speak!' at him.

'Don't be mad at me, because your father didn't want to involve you.' Lestat replied, annoyed by his attitude.

'I didn't ask for a comment on my father's motives. I was asking what you two were discussing. Obviously there was a reason why he didn't want me there, so speak.' Loki said, grabbing his elbow.

'You know the reason.' Lestat said, brushing his hand off.

'I have some ideas, yes, but I'd like to hear it from you. You were my informant after all, so inform me.'

   Lestat's eyes narrowed, pursing his lips at his arrogance, referring to him like that. It confirmed his suspicions further, that to Loki he was just some pleasure mixed with business. So be it.

'He wanted to know more about the arrangement you and I have, so I told him.'

'Thought so. And what did you tell him?'

'Given that he put his trust in me, I didn't want to lie.' Lestat replied, standing Loki's angry gaze that became even more furious at his flippant tone.

'No, you didn't...What did you do, you fool?'

What did you do, you fool?'

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'I am a fool, yes. Now I see that. I told him that you coaxed me into alliance during one of the many times we slept together and I made the best out of it.'

   Loki's eyes widened, his whole face going pale then his cheeks turned to bright red.

'Are you out of your undead mind?!' Loki yelled at him, shaking him with both hands. 'What is wrong with you?'

'Don't worry. It's not a big deal. He said and I quote "Quite hazardous method to recruit someone, but we've all been there.", he reminisced about the times he persuaded others to work form him in a similar fashion. He lived quite an interesting life before he met your mother, I must say. Lovely guy, your father.'

   Loki's mouth fell open, his lips quivering in shock. Lestat was reveling in the aghast look on his face.

'Why are you smiling? You think this is funny?' Loki dug his fingers into his arms. 'Why would you tell him that?'

'What? The truth? Calm down! It's not a big deal.'

   Loki let go of him, rubbing his head, pacing around the room.

'After we shared some fun stories, we finalized the agreement. You heard the gist of the changes earlier.'

   The prince stopped and watched agape as Lestat strolled into his bedroom. He didn't follow. He was utterly devastated that his father now knew the whole truth about his dealings with the Marquis. He walked to a chair and collapsed on it, feelings of anger, hurt and disappointment whirling inside his heart. Why would Lestat think that telling Odin about their affair is a good idea? He was his own guilty pleasure that was now out in the open for his father to judge and/or exploit. He had to face the facts that he liked having Lestat all to himself, he liked their clandestine schemes and trysts, but from now on he works for his father who will no doubt lecture Loki not to mix business with pleasure, because nobody wants an informant to be distracted, do they?

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