Chapter 42.

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Violence is never the answer, yet this is Lestat and Loki I'm writing about, so...

Happy New Year!

 Loki sneaked out of Asgard to locate Lestat soon after he reported everything he saw in the Underworld, omitting his meeting with Persephone. Odin was slightly annoyed at the lost opportunity to see Tartaros as he was quite intrigued about the infamous abyss and dungeon, especially after learning about the mines and the forge, but he was pleased to hear that Underworld's army was no match to theirs. They agreed to wait for Hades' invite since he told Loki he would arrange yet another visit to show him Tartaros.

   David let out an annoyed sigh. He was really close to swear, but his vigorous English upbringing and manners prevented him to. Not that it would help clear this bloody mess up. Literally.

'I should have known when you offered to help me that something was awry. Is that your idea of a clean job?'

   Lestat looked at him with glazed, black eyes, his beautiful blond hair, his face and shirt soaked in blood. Around him the torn limbs and heads of human traffickers. The bodies were disposed in impossible places: one was thrown on the steel beams of the deserted hangar, another one was hanging from a broken window, yet another one was ripped apart, the heart ripped out from its cage, sucked into a mushy pulp, lying on the floor.

'You're welcome.' Lestat said, still high on his victims' blood, wiping his hands into his blazer, turning to leave.

'Lestat de Lioncourt! You are not leaving me to clean up your shit again!' David yelled at him, to hell with manners, grabbing him by the shoulders, then throwing him against some lockers.

   Lestat let out a delighted laugh as he crawled out of the dented heap of metal.

'Ooh, David!' he cooed seductively.

'Enough! Start cleaning up. I won't be humiliated in front of our government friends, because...'

   They both went deadly still and looked around. Lestat let out a low, menacing growl.

'Don't stop on my account

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'Don't stop on my account.' Loki waved, appearing on the top of some boxes with his legs crossed, grinning.

   David was scanning Loki. He was unable to read his mind, but he could feel rage radiating from Lestat. He looked at him from the corner of his eye, then turned his attention back to the raven-haired stranger.

'You have some nerve.' Lestat hissed in a throaty, hollow voice.

'I can wait, carry on.' Loki said innocently. 'We can talk after you're finished cleaning.'

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