Chapter 26.

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   >>>injury detail, blood<<<

   She woke up to a weird buzzing sound, feeling nauseous. She buried her head into the pillows, covering her ears. Few minutes later the noise stopped and Loki appeared. He looked worried.

'The wards?' she asked.

'Yes. Something or someone tried to breach the perimeter. They were really quick and they are definitely experienced in the arts of magic as they were cloaking themselves from me.'

'Hades is known to ally with witches or magicians if needed, but I wasn't exactly part of his inner circle, so I don't know any names.'

'Agamotto.' Loki said, pacing in the room.

'Yes, maybe...but he could have easily kidnapped me from Asgard, yet here I am.'

'Not without risking the wrath of my father and their centuries' long alliance. Yet maybe this was Agamotto's goal all along, to get you to Midgard. Regardless, you can't go to that dinner, I'll use a decoy.'

'What? No way!' Elianah stood in front of him. 'We are in this together. I won't let you go there all alone.'

'I didn't say alone. Here's my plan.'

   Later that day, they were waiting for the taxi to arrive.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Elianah thought to him as she looked around nervously to check if anybody was watching them.

"As long as you have my bracelet, you are protected and I can find you. You trained hard. You can do this." Loki replied.

"I hope you're right." she sighed as the car pulled up. Loki opened the door for her.

"It will be fine."

   Elianah was clutching his hand all the way there as they were having idle small talk in case anyone was listening. They arrived a little late, rushing out of the taxi.

"Be careful." Loki told her on their mental plane.

"You too." she replied.

   He winked at her and pressed the doorbell for Katya's flat. It was brick building in the suburban district with one gable roof story. It had old multi-pane, double-hung windows with shutters. Katya answered the door.

'Welcome!' she hugged both of them. She smelled like vanilla and jasmine.

'Is this all yours?' Elianah asked, impressed.

'Oh, no. I rent it with two of my friends. Come, the others have already arrived. Shoes can stay on, they are in the backyard.'

   Loki and Elianah followed their host to the garden. The main level looked comfy and quirky with its hardwood floors and old armchairs mixed with modern furniture. The kitchen was a bit dated, but it was clean, smelling of something delicious. Claire was standing in front of the oven, stirring some sauce, waving at them as they passed. The backyard was massive, old sycamore trees providing a cool shade from the hot summer sun. Loki did a quick count, there were seven people, not counting their host and Claire. Katya introduced them to a tall, skinny man with short, strawberry blond hair and a small, plump girl with dark sunglasses as her housemates. When everybody was introduced to everyone, Loki and Elianah were given a shot of homemade vodka as a welcome drink.

'I think this one is my best batch yet.' Katya beamed.

'Which part of Russia are you from, again?' Loki asked her and she explained to him as they drank up.

Tyler and Liv walked up to them.

'So, where have you two been? You disappeared since the party.' Liv said, staring meaningfully at them. Tyler just grinned.

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