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Loki was going insane. It had been two and a half hours since Hades and Lestat left the VIP bar. Even though this whole plan was his idea, he couldn't focus, got the orders wrong and kept dropping the cocktail shaker. The waitress he stood up for pulled him aside, asking if everything was alright and he nodded, saying something about being a bit tired.

'Here, try this.' she said and handed him a little plastic pouch with white powder. 'Go to the bathroom, hurry up.'

He thanked her and hurried to the restrooms. He locked himself into the toilet. Each cubicle was self-contained with a small sink, hand dryer and bin. He poured the content of the little packet on the top of the hand dryer, used his staff card to pull the lines and snorted them up. It wasn't as good as Tyler's, but it did the trick. He flushed the toilet, disposed of the little bag and went back to the bar.

'Where's my...lipstick?' her colleague whispered to him.

'It's gone. Thanks again.'

'You used all of it?!' she gaped at him. 'Jesus! Are you OK?'

'It wasn't that much, but I can pay you.' Loki said.

'Don't worry about it.'

'Could you put two ice cold mineral water bottles and a Macallan 25 on a tray and take it to the black room, please?' David asked Loki, appearing out of the blue - again. 'Wait outside until someone comes out.'

'Sure.' he replied, blessing his luck.

   He put the items on the tray and hurried towards the black room. When he arrived, he could feel his heart accelerating, all his senses sharpening, his jaw clenched. He cursed himself for forgetting that he was in a mortal body that reacts differently to substances than his own. Finally, he could make out some muffled moans. It was Hades. His chest became tight all of a sudden and he wanted to kick the door in so badly that the tray almost cracked under his grip. At last, there was silence which was even more unbearable. After an eternity, the door handle turned and Lestat slipped outside, closing it carefully. He was half naked and barefoot, his hair tied up in a bun. He looked at Loki and smiled, reaching for one of the mineral waters.

'It's you.' he said, then began to gargle with the water for a few seconds, then walked to the big Yucca plant beside Loki and spat into the pot, wiping his mouth.

When he was finished, he grabbed the scotch and took a sip to Loki's surprise. He never witnessed him to actually swallow alcohol.

'Damn!' Lestat gasped, scrunching his nose as he put it back on the tray in Loki's hands. 'Still tastes like sand.'

He then stepped closer to Loki, until the tray was pushed into his chest. Lestat was staring into his eyes intently, scrutinizing his face.

'How long have you been standing here, little dove?' he asked in a hushed, seductive voice.

'Too long.' the bitterness burst out from Loki, making Lestat chuckle quietly.

'Oh, I'm sorry. You want to go back serving customers that badly?' he asked, removing the tray from Loki's hands, putting it down on the chair by the wall. 'Need those tips, huh?'

Loki didn't respond. He saw Lestat's pupils dilate and he could feel his powers caressing his mind.

'Take off your mask.' he ordered quietly.

'No.' Loki whispered, resisting.

'You have a strong mind, little one.' Lestat cooed, running his right hand gently down on the arch of Loki's back, then pulled him closer by the waist. 'But not strong enough. Do as I say and take the mask off. Now.'

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