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Loki was drinking and dancing for a few hours before he decided to go back to Rue Royale. He figured Tyler would be gone by then, so he teleported rather than walked. Being a bit tipsy, he missed his room and ended up in the library room instead. He let out a drunken scoff and hopped down to the sofa, looking around. Everything seemed quiet, but then he heard moans and he instantly recognized Tyler's voice. They were definitely moans of pleasure. He rolled his eyes and covered his ears, then he got angry. Why is he acting like an idiot? So what if they were fucking, Lestat was probably halfway through Tyler's blood reserve, it couldn't last much longer. He stood up and tried to teleport into his bedroom, but his magic was acting up again.

'No! Not now!' he moaned quietly.

He lied there, tipsy and listless, listening to the noises. He took a deep breath and got up as silently as he could. As he was passing the kitchen, he saw that the light was on. He stopped to switch it off when he saw Lestat. He was half-naked, his headphones in, with an iPod in his hand, dancing to whatever music he was listening. He was jumping up and down with his eyes closed, just enjoying the song. Based on his skin colour, he definitely had some blood. He looked so carefree and inviting, Loki was tempted to go to him, but he managed to suppress the temptation and proceeded to his bedroom, debating with himself whether or not to check what the hell the vampire did to Tyler. In the end, he couldn't resist any longer. He had to see it for himself. He turned back and sneaked towards Lestat's bedroom like a cat - although he was hoping he wouldn't end up like the one in the proverb. He was finally there and he peaked inside. He saw Tyler tied to the bed, naked, several bitemarks on his muscular thighs and a really nasty one on the left side of his neck. He was blindfolded, his erection looked painfully hard, struggling against his restraints while moaning constantly. He was clearly somewhere else in his head, unaware of his actual situation. Loki was staring at him in shock and fascination.

'What a mindfuck, eh?' he heard Lestat's voice and it made him jump a little.

The Marquis laughed, very satisfied with sneaking up on him so expertly.

'You're sick.' Loki hissed.

'What? He's having the time of his life with the fantasies I'm providing him. Do you want to see them?' he purred, stepping closer, making Loki back against the doorjamb.

'No, thank you. Not interested.'

'Non?' Lestat grinned, his French surfacing. 'Then why are you here, Loki of Asgard? Are you lost? Or lonely, perhaps?'

'Just making sure my friend is alive.' Loki said, pushing him aside with his shoulder, heading back to his bedroom. 'Sweet dreams, Lestat.'

'Sweet dreams, indeed.' the Marquis replied barely louder than a whisper.

Loki couldn't sleep. As much as he wanted to believe that Lestat wouldn't hurt his friend, he didn't trust him. Sometime later, he heard talking and footsteps. He let out a relieved sigh, as if a heavy rock rolled off his chest.

'This was fun.' Tyler said.

'I agree.' Lestat smiled and waved at the taxi that pulled up, knowing full well that Tyler would be too shy to kiss him in front of the driver.

He closed the gate and locked it. He walked past Loki's room, listening to his heartbeat. He was definitely awake, so he decided to mess with him. He silently went to his door and stopped. Loki turned to his other side, conflicted between telling him to piss off or come in.

'Your friend left in one piece with no sign of any harm.' he heard Lestat from outside. 'Aren't you going to invite me in?'

Loki didn't deign him with an answer.

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