Chapter 47.

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2 Feb 2023

   Loki had a hard time settling back to their usual dynamic in front of David while Lestat was lounging on the sofa in the background due to the fact that they spent the last two days wallowing in pleasure and in each other whenever they could. David thought Loki came back earlier that day and was completely unaware of their shenanigans thanks to Lestat being his good old self, playing the part of the annoying brat perfectly well.

'I didn't feel anything.' He said, staring into Loki's eyes. 'Nothing at all.'

'We both know you're lying.' Loki stated as he had just tried to knock him out of his body.

'Alright. I did feel a little tingling...' the Marquis said with a ghost of a smile, moving his right hand in a circle towards his groin then up his forehead. '...over here, but it could be just the weather.'

'You're not helpful, Lestat. Stop antagonizing Loki.' David scolded him.

   Lestat made an amused snicker.

'We are here to teach him, David. I can't exactly lie down and wait for him to take me as thrilling as it sounds.' he told his old friend, knowing perfectly well the mental images his words would conjure in Loki's mind. 'That would defeat the purpose of a hostile takeover. No, Loki needs to try a little harder, give it his everything.'

'Thanks for the pointers. I don't even know what I'd do without your excellent guidance.' Loki bowed to him with fake gratitude.

'You can thank me later.' Lestat winked at him, suggestively, driving all of Loki's blood down to his groin area.

'For heaven's sake!' David shook his head.

'You both need to lighten up a little. Where's your sense of humour? Mon Dieu!'

'Oh, that was a joke? Wait...ha ha ha!' Loki countered, looking at David for help, throwing his hands up in the air.

   He grabbed a cushion and placed it on his lap, pretending to fiddle with it out of frustration, when in fact he was just hiding his growing excitement. Lestat of course was fully aware of what Loki was up to, wiggling his eyebrows at him playfully when David turned away. Loki shook his head and had to really focus to look vexed and hide his smirk that wanted to surface.

'As much as I hate to admit, Lestat has a point, Loki. You need to concentrate much harder to force him out of his body and once you succeeded, you need to hold onto it, because Lestat will try to reclaim his body. That is when the real test begins.'

   Loki closed his eyes and sank into the armchair, trying to relax. Lestat was talking to David about his night with the cellist and how she played him Vivaldi at her hotel room, but Loki wouldn't be distracted and managed to rise out of his body. He was floating around, flying through the house and out into the fresh, evening night, just enjoying being free of his physical form. He knew Lestat wasn't particularly patient and he would grow agitated, having to be on alert, waiting for his attack. He was right. When he returned to the room, Lestat was gesturing towards Loki's listless body with a peeved look on his face, while David was rubbing the bridge of his nose, his signature move of being irate. Loki took aim, gathered all his energy and dove right down. He was the most surprised when he felt Lestat's body convulsing around him and he took control immediately. He rose from the chair, sending David a wink and darted out of the room. He could feel a sort of vacuum trying to pull him out, but he resisted, murmuring a spell against spirits and the pressure subsided a little, then dissipated completely after a few more attempts. He went outside the garden and stood under the balcony, leaning against one of the wooden columns, waiting for Lestat's next move. He didn't have to wait long. He stormed out in Loki's body with David in tow who looked anxious and thrilled at the same time.

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