Chapter 2.

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   Elianah wished she could skip the dinner with the royal family. She had met Odin shortly after she managed to sneak into Asgard, or so she thought, until a tall man called Heimdall apprehended her. The All-father's commanding figure and authoritative tone reminded her of someone she was trying very hard to forget. Once Odin saw her injuries and learned about the mission she was carrying out on Earth or Midgard as they called it around here, he offered her protection as long as she wanted. She omitted a few things, but she was a seasoned liar or Odin simply chose not to question her further. Whatever it may be, she knew there was nothing more persuasive than the fall of a common enemy.

She turned around in front of the mirror, staring at the white and silver flowy monstrosity she was wearing, doing her best to look pleased.

'You look wonderful, my dear. Like the goddess you are.' Frigga said, smiling at her.

'Thank you. It's really beautiful.'

Frigga let out a laugh.

'You are not that good of a liar.'

"If only you knew." Elianah thought.

'I know you'd rather be wearing your regular clothes, but you have to blend in otherwise people will start to ask questions.'

'Yes, Her Majesty.'

'Besides, with two boys and a whole armada at their disposal to dress them, it would be my pleasure to be your stylist. I think that is what they call it on Midgard?'

Elianah looked at her surprised. Frigga shrugged and nodded knowingly.

'I am somewhat familiar with Midgardian customs. Learning about other realms and their cultures is a hobby of mine.'

She was so much warmer than Odin, so different. Then again opposites attract each other, Elianah thought. Just then the servants came in to accompany them to the dinner and she suddenly felt nervous. Frigga took her hand and squeezed it gently.

'Don't worry, my dear. You will walk with me and my husband will introduce you, just like we discussed. You're safe.'

They walked through many richly decorated corridors, the guards bowing to them as they passed. She could feel their eyes on her, hearing their thoughts, wondering who she was. They reached a massive golden door, guarded by several Asgardian fighters. Their amour was different, they must be members of the infamous royal guards. Frigga looked at her.

'Are you ready?'

She nodded and Frigga gestured to the guards who opened the doors. The family hall was bigger than she expected, white walls with golden stucco. The ceiling was decorated with a hunting scene, framed by baroque floral enrichment. The design reminded her a little to the palace of Versailles, but less tacky, more sophisticated. Odin and his two sons stood up as they made their way to the round dinner table. Loki was wearing a bit more formal attire now, a long tunic with green and black interlocking wraps of leather and cloth tunic with metallic gold breastplate, his jet black hair swept back neatly. He looked sleek and elegant. His brother looked nothing like Loki with his deep blue eyes and golden locks, tied back in a half bun. He was a few inches taller, wearing black leather trousers and a matching sleeveless leather vest with golden shoulder blades, leaving his impressive arms free, complemented with a red cape, worthy of the God of Thunder. Their eyes met and he smiled at her curiously. Elianah didn't return his smile and focused her attention on Odin who welcomed them and asked them to join the table.

'Thor, Loki, I would like to formally introduce you to Elianah, who is my honored guest. She is staying with us until she weathers a certain storm. I expect you to make her feel welcome as one of our own.'

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