Chapter 41.

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   The gate of the Underworld was just as beautiful as it was formidable: a grand, impressive structure made of black steel, carved into dark, sullen cliffs, decorated with intricate symbols and exotic, dire creatures. Loki and two royal guards were waiting outside where the Bifrost transported them after Heimdall received the instructions from Hades. They didn't see anyone manning the gates as if there was no need for it. Suddenly a deep, deafening sound of a horn ripped through the thick, warm air and the gates opened. Loki's grip grew tighter on the demon slayer sword he got from Hades. A tall hooded figure approached them. It reminded Loki of the drawings of the Grim Reaper on Midgard.

'Your Royal Highness, please follow me.' the figure said in an unearthly rasp and waved his dark sleeved hand, opening a portal.

   Loki and his entourage stepped through it, arriving into a massive, solemn hall with huge arches and imposing dark columns decorated with golden carvings. There was an immense black table in the middle of the room, surrounded by tall armchairs covered in black and gold velvet with Hades sitting at the head. He rose to his feet to greet them. Loki saw several shadowy figures standing by each column, guarding their king. He did not see Persephone anywhere.

'Prince Loki! Welcome to my home. I hope you had a pleasant journey.' Hades smiled.

   He looked eternally young, no older than twenty-five in humans years with his short dark hair and metallic eyes. He was wearing a black tunic with a long black cape, matching trousers and dark boots. He had no weapons as far as Loki could tell. Loki removed his horned helmet and bowed his head, not returning his smile.

'Please, take a seat on my right. Your guards can wait in the other room where they will be offered refreshments or they can stay here. Whatever you prefer.'

'Thank you, King Hades. I'm afraid their orders are to stay with me.'

'Your Father doesn't trust me?' Hades asked with a cunning smile, then laughed. 'Please, forgive me. I'm cursed with a dark sense of humour, the only thing that keeps me from going insane in this dreary place.'

   Loki nodded and gestured his men to stand further aside. He sat down, looking expectantly at his host.

'You must be wondering where my queen is. I'm afraid she wasn't feeling well. She's sending her apologies for being unable to welcome you herself.'

Loki picked up on his lie and couldn't help, but worry for Persephone, no matter how hard he tried not to.

'I hope Queen Persephone will get better soon.' he simply said.

'You and I both. Some things take time.' Hades replied, something dark flashing through his eyes. 'Yet, as much as I miss her presence and valued council, I must prioritize her welfare. I'm sure you agree.'

'Absolutely.' Loki answered.

'I got ourselves some rather excellent wine from France. May I recommend the red wine from southern Rhône?'

Loki nodded, not caring about the wine one bit, but being tactful enough to let Hades excel in the role of a wine connoisseur.

'Before we get down to business, I have to apologize. I am expecting a last minute guest to join us, but he seems to be fashionably late.'

   Loki wanted to object, but the hall gates opened just then, a familiar figure walking through with feline grace followed by two grim looking soldiers. Loki tensed up as he realized it was Lestat. He looked ever the sophisticated predator, dressed immaculately in a two-piece black suit with gold embroidery at the sleeves and shoulders, his long, blonde hair parted neatly in the middle. Their eyes locked for a brief moment, but the vampire didn't seem surprised, his expression stayed cold and impassive.

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