Chapter 56.

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'This is the moment when you tell me exactly who you are.' Loki demanded the  second they were in his chambers.

   Lestat shot a hostile look at him, pacing towards the balcony. Loki knew he wasn't exactly the Marquis' most favourite person right now, but he didn't like to be cold-shouldered and his ego suffered enough bruises for one day, so he followed him outside.

'That's far enough.' Lestat growled at him, but Loki ignored him, leaning against the balustrade next to him.

'I don't take orders from you. You are in my home in case you haven't noticed. I know you're angry with me, but...'

'Angry?' Lestat turned to him, cutting him off, his pupils blown wide. 'There are no words to describe what I'm feeling right now.'

'You got what you wanted. Father will sign the agreement and furthermore, he wants your counsel.'

'Your father will no doubt add some extra terms to that agreement. Weren't you listening?' Lestat hissed, his knuckles turning white as he was clutching the balustrade. 'I'm done being anybody's asset.'

'You were a spy after all.' Loki told him and smiled when Lestat tried and failed to grab him.

   The Marquis was openly seething at this point, his chest rising and falling rapidly, cursing in French when his attempts to strike Loki only hit the air.

'You can always negotiate. You seemed to be doing fine.' Loki told him, appearing behind him.

'He knows who I am. How?' Lestat hissed, spinning around to face him, but Loki was gone by then.

'He has spies everywhere.'

'There's only one person who knows my true identity and if your father laid a finger on her, I won't hesitate to hurt him. I don't care how powerful he is, I will end him.'

Loki blinked at the threat and anger boiled up inside him.

'I'm going to give you the chance to withdraw your threat, because you...'

'I what?' Lestat snarled, managing to grab his elbow, yanking him closer. 'Saved your life? Served you well? You don't know anything about me, princeling, but I can assure you: if even a single hair was harmed on my mother's head, I will make sure Odin regrets the day I set foot in his fancy palace! And I'm going to start with you.'

   Lestat pushed him backwards with such force, the air escaped his lungs as his back hit the balustrade. Oh, it was on. He let Lestat get close enough to throw a right hook and redirected it with his right hand, wrapping his left around the vampire's biceps, yanking him close, then put his head on his shoulder, bringing his right fist up, hitting the Marquis' throat hard. Lestat choked, trying to breathe and Loki used that time to knock him out cold. He quickly took him inside, because he was aware how fast the Marquis could heal, and placed him on his bed, tying his hands and arms together with a thick rope. By the time he finished, he was met with Lestat's livid gaze and soon after he felt his power squeezing his throat and his body was thrown off the bed.

'Surprise!' he heard Lestat as the invisible chokehold increased viciously and he lost consciousness.

He came to his senses and found himself tied against a chair, Lestat was towering over him, and gave him a slap, then another.

'You bastard.' he groaned.

'Is this how you treat all your guests?' Lestat grinned, slapping him again, clearly enjoying the situation.

'You attacked me, you stupid idiot!'

'Says the guy who kidnapped me.'

'What did you expect? Flowers and a written invitation?'

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