Chapter 54.

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   Loki leaned back in Lestat's chair, staring at the laptop screen. He had a hard time to believe that Persephone was the cunning, power-hungry strategist her husband described her to be, but all evidence pointed that way. He was exceptionally good at knowing when somebody was lying and Hades was definitely telling the truth. The other piece of information was the fact that Persephone did have genuine feelings for him, furthermore, she fell in love with him. The memory of their last encounter flashed through his mind and all those emotions he kept buried started to resurface. And there was that turmoil of clashing emotions ignited by seeing Lestat with Hades that he was unwilling to analyse. He did the only thing he was capable of and the only thing he knew Lestat would expect of him: he began to question that this was all of it. There had to be more to that evening that the vampire decided to withhold from him. It was easier for him to assume the worst, yet he knew very well, he was forced into a corner. He tested his powers the moment he stepped through the threshold and it was glitching which meant the Marquis' house was shielded against magic and he couldn't present this video to his father. He needed Lestat to play the part of the trustworthy informant in case Odin summons him and if one thing this sex tape was good for was to prove the Marquis' acting skills. He stood up and walked to the door, ripping it open. He half-expected at least one of the vampires lurking outside, but the corridor was empty.

'I'm done. Is that all?' he asked in a raised voice.

   He heard one pair of familiar footsteps, then Lestat appeared coming up the stairs. For some reason he thought he would avoid talking to him once he finished the video. He scolded himself for ever thinking that Lestat could feel any sort of shame or embarrassment. After all, he just did what he asked him to do, it was him who whored him out as the Marquis put it.


'I don't believe you. Show me the full recording.' Loki said, meeting him halfway the corridor.

'No.' was all that Lestat said, standing defiantly in front of him with feline grace.



   They were staring at each other, both of them struggling to keep their composure, yet Lestat managed to seem calm and collected compared to Loki, whose jaws were taut with tension.

'He fell asleep after that and I left to get the drinks as you are well aware.'

'And he didn't say anything else about how Persephone knew about Asgard, how she planned to take our mines? Nothing more about the spell?'

'No.' Lestat replied calmly.

'Why don't I believe you?'

'Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you just watched me playing with Hades?'

'And what a brilliant performance it was.' Loki said with faux admiration.

'You would know.'

'Indeed, I would.'

   Lestat shrugged and Loki wanted to punch him in the face, but restrained himself.

'So?' Loki asked.

'So what?'

'Where's the full video?'

'You've got the relevant bits.'

'Did you actually fuck him?'

'What's it to you? Or do you want to watch the full thing, so you can get off? You had your fair share yesterday. I'm not your whore, Loki.'

'Sure, you are.'

'What did you just say?' Lestat snarled, getting up in his face. 'Say it again. Perhaps I'll deliver you personally to Persephone just to watch her burn Asgard to the ground. Perhaps you and her could rule together. What a great couple you two would make and you could finally get what your dark little heart craves so much: a throne.'

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