A little bit of 'training'

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Advance: What's this another Chapter? Why yes, it is.
Does that mean I'm back? no. It takes time to write stories, and writer's block has been hitting me for a long time.

Angel: He tries his best to write as much as possible for you guys and make sure it's the best quality he can provide.

Devil: So don't take it for granted. We already had a few people asking us about updating our Honkai books, but it comes to a point where your motivation for that show or game dies out, and it did for advance.

Advance: Besides that. Enjoy that new chapter!


Ark appeared beside Mordred in silence without anyone noticing. His thoughts were currently based around his Alter and Artoria Alter and how they acted.
It was strange to see the two Alters be so... kind to him, it was an odd sight. He honestly expected them to be more... cold? That would sound about right.

They weren't friendly or nice, just kind in their weird way.
The Mage of Camelot sort of expected this from his Alter, but not from Salter. This was killing the last few brain cells left in his head. He quickly looked around and noticed that everyone was outside and Mash was currently up against Caster/Cu.
Most definitely training the girl on fighting Servant and other enemies that they'll soon face.

From the looks of it, they haven't gotten that far into training and are only scratching the surface of it. Focusing most on the defense aspect of it.

A grin spread across Ark's face as he watched Shielder block as many attacks as possible, while Gudako stood behind with a bit of worry showing on her face.

"Oh, hey Ark, when did you get back?" Gray's voice spoke up, making the Mage blink and looking at his adopted sister, who is currently staring at him curiously.

"About like a few seconds ago, I found out about a couple of interesting things, so how is training going?" Ark asked. Mordred snorts and crosses her arms. That was enough to tell the twin everything.

"Awful, this 'shielder' wouldn't do well in a real servant battle, especially facing someone like Berserker from our last war." Mordred air quotes on the word shielder, and Ark would have to agree, Caster was going easy on the poor girl. If this was a serious battle, the innocent little eggplant wouldn't last long. But then again, all she needs is a bit of determination and a goal.

Especially against people who like to fight dirty and try to get every advantage they can to turn the tides in battle.
Ark would have instantly gone for the Master, no questions asked, especially if they blatantly stood there and watched.
No Master. no Servant.
But this isn't a Gail War. It isn't the same here in Grand Order.

The only Master here would be Gudako, and everyone else would be normal people from the Timeline or Servants.
Mordred huffed as Mash tiredly blocked another attack, stumbling slightly. She had no confidence in her defense and was only relying on her shield.
She didn't bother to try and close the distance or attack Caster when he got close. She kept staying by Gudako's side and protecting her.
Which was a good idea, to begin with, but only if she had allies to help attack the enemy.

She did have some good footing, but she was too loose. Mash needed to tighten up and turn towards the attack.

But the point was to fight head-on. Sure, some servants prefer fighting from a distance or the shadows, so Mash needed to understand that she had to have confidence in her Master to not get hurt or, worse, killed.
It's also not like she's doing this alone. Over time, Mash and Gudako will meet a lot of allies to help them.

Ark huffed as Mash got more and more exhausted. Suddenly, Mordred shook his arm. The blond male looked at his twin, who whispered something in his ear.
The Mage looked worried and winced at a few things, but the Knight grinned like a psychopath, knowing full well the outcome of this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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