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A little interaction between Devil and Angel, talking about Advance.

Angel: *Is currently looking around trying to find something or someone*

Devil: What are you looking for? *Takes a step back and a hatchet Flys passed his head*

Angel: I'm looking for Advance, I haven't seen him In a few days and started to get worried.

Devil: You shouldn't panick, this is Advance we're talk ab-

Angel: Lust is gone too...

Devil: ....OK, I'll take back what I said, panick, Advance and Lust alone writing a story means no good.

Angle: *Looks at the Desk spotting a laptop with the Fate fanfiction chapter half way from finished.* Well at least they didn't take the laptop. Let's finish this chapter and publish it.

Devil: *Rolls his eyes and stands beside Angle as they started to work on the chapter.* Lets hope the readers enjoys it and tries not to kill Advance.

Angle: Why? Cause there is a possibility that he might kill Sakura, Fate isn't supposed to be a happy place. *Goes back to typing.*

Devil: Well Advance isn't exactly a heartless person, he might think of a way to save her, or not. It will be easier to just kill her off, but he cares and is genuinely trying to find a way that makes it somewhat realistic. *Nudges Angel aside and deletes a few words before replacing them with something better.*

Angel: That's true, Advance tries a bit too much on his stories, more so then school. *He pauses before deleting a sentence and continues.* Like in his profile, it shows that Advance wants to write stories what people enjoy and I always see him get nervous whenever he posts a new book.

Devil: *Crosses his arm* Ya... it shows that he cares, makes him stick out from your common writers.

Angel: *Looks at the readers and realize they were being watched* Uh Devil, we have some spectators. *points at the readers.

Devil: *Looks at the readers with a bit surprised* Uh, shit. None of you heard what I said! Advance shouldn't hear what I say! *pulls out a flamethrower* Now get lost!


"Are you done yet?" Mordred asked impatiently making Ark sigh as he continued to trace a few more runes with his Magicka. After the Knight was told what the Mage was trying to do and with the male's Magic it's very possible that It can work. So Mordred has been asking her brother constantly if he was done yet. That has been going on for 2 hours now.

"Mordred, if you ask me one more I'm, I just let you stay in spiritual form for a bit longer." Ark said annoyed started to get fed up with his sister's constant nagging. He was glad the Knight finally shut up after that. "This is a very delicate process, and I don't want to mess it up." The Mage went back to drawing the large rune. "I know your excited Mordred, I am too, but Summoning is a very dangerous progress, not only that, but it's you who is involved with it, so I need to make sure it's absolutely perfect." Ark said as he finished the last bit of the rune.

Ark stands up and stood beside Mordred as they stared at the Mage's handy work. "Not bad if I do say so myself." The Knight snorts and tried to figure out what the runes do, only to give up in a matter of a few seconds.

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