The way of the Mage

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"My life was never easy, I always thought the world was against me, but I had someone to watch out for me and made sure that I mattered." - Mordred Pendragon.

Its been a few weeks since Merlin gave Ark a offer he couldn't pass up. So the boy went to train with the Wizard in secret, however as the days went by it was becoming increasingly difficult which was to be expected, but the male had a sneaky suspicion that the wizard was doing it on purpose.

Right now the boy was sleeping peacefully in bed while Mordred was out with Morgan going through more training.

Ark groaned as he was teleported out of bed and landed on the cold smooth ground making him realize once again he was teleported into the castle.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Ark said loudly making the person who teleported him here laugh.

"Very." Merlin said as he walked up to the prone Boy who has yet to move. "Still tired?" Ark raised his arm and stuck out the middle finger. "I'll take that as a yes." There was silence before the dick wizard smacked the boy behind the head with his staff. "Sadly we are here to learn not sleep."

"Ass." Ark grumbled as he pushed himself off the floor and looked at the smirking wizard. "Alright, let's start where we left off." Merlin thought for a second before shaking his head.

"No, how about something different." Ark hated the sound of that and only knew that it would lead to frustration and cursing.

"Alright, what are we doing." Ark said with a large amount of reluctance as Merlin simply smirked and summoned a sword making Ark's mouth go dry as the sword gleamed in the light of the room.

"I'm going to teach you that ways of a battle mage... or whatever you call it." Ark groaned already feeling the headache approaching. A battle mage was a very versatile role which can always turn the tides in battle when done correctly.

Ark remembered in his old life when he tried to become a battle mage in Skyrim... the pain he went through on making the character will forever scar him, but the outcome was so worth it.

Now you may ask yourself on how Merlin knows this stuff... well it's pretty obvious since Merlin was the one that brought him here into this new life. You might think Ark was angry at first, but in reality, the boy didn't care.

Sure he missed his old life, but that was long ago. He is here, in this new life which he enjoyed just as much, there are its flaws, but nothing is perfect. So he simply thanked Merlin for the second chance which surprised the wizard a little.

"Alright Merlin what are you teaching me?" The boy dreaded for his life at what might come out of the wizard's mouth.

"Every single spell I know... and maybe a tiny bit of sword practice..."

There was silence... Ark stared at the man while the dick wizard stared back. The boy tried to process this and was failing horribly.

"Y-you're joking right?" Ark asked a bit nervous a he shuffles around. Now the reason the young Pendragon is scared is because he already had a taste of Merlin's training... and sad to say, it was brutal. Now add to the fact that Merlin was willingly going to teach the boy everything he knows... Ark didn't like the scenario he was creating inside his head.

Merlin however just crackled like some sort of evil villian, this only worried Ark even more.

In the first week Merlin taught Ark the Legendary Prana Burst... many, many failed attempts which involves Ark nearly killing himself or slamming into the wall at the lack of control. Ark has still yet to grasp the concept of the Prana Burst, but he was getting there.

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