Do you want to be a Wizard?

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"I'm always willing to push you forward, the question is, are you willing to do the same?" - Ark Pendragon

Ark yawned as he rolled out of bed. He looked around the room, but didn't see Mordred in bed.

"Must be training again..." Ark said before looking down at himself and grimaced before letting out a sigh. "I miss my shower." The boy mumbled before waking into another room which didn't have anything except a large bucket filled with water and what looks to be a rag and a sponge which was provided by Merlin.

Ark reached for the sponge and dumped it in the water which was freezing cold. The boy grunts In annoyance just silently wishing the water was warm.

Quickly stripping off his dirty clothes Ark was quick to start cleaning himself shivering as the cold water touched his body which did help in waking him up slightly. It took a couple of minutes to scrub away all the grime from his body before he reached over and unconsciously reached for some shampoo, but he paused realizing he didn't have any.

With a sigh he washed his hair and grabbed a white towel which felt extremely soft and dried himself up. After that he got dressed into some clothes which was a simple white wool shirt and brown cotton pants. Ark slipped on his shoes and left the room.

Ark paused when he entered the next room cause not only did he see Merlin, the King was there too. (Still In their armor) There was a very long pause as the trio looked at each other for a couple of seconds.

Merlin suddenly smiled and waved at Ark who didn't react to it. He only walked towards the kitchen area and opened a cabinet which held a lot of preserved cooked meat. He grabbed enough for four people and walked over to where to usual cooked the food.

"Merlin, I'm going to ask this once and only one time, what the FUCK are you and the... King doing here." Merlin only smirked while the King shifted slightly in the wooden seat.

"Ah well you see Ark, King Arthur has grown interested in you a few days ago." Ark bit his tongue trying to stop himself from saying something inappropriate. He lit the large fire which lit up the room
and pulled out a large metal pan which he poured some butter on it.

Setting the pan down on the fire he turned towards the duo and crossed his arms with a questioning gaze.

"Really, then why did you bring her here instead of bringing me to her?" Ark asked as he got a few other things not noticing the way 'Arthur' froze while Merlin simply chuckled which annoyed Ark cause he knew the dick wizard was dragging on this conversation.

"Well the King didn't wished to be bothered and her knights wouldn't leave her alone so I teleported us here in secret." Ark tossed the meat on the pan and started tossing it around with a wooden spoon. While it was warming up the meat the blond boy adding a bit of seasoning along with some water. "And it seems you know something you shouldn't.

"Ok, Arthur is actually a girl what's so shocking about it?" Ark said mixing the seasoning and meat together. Merlin hummed and shrugged. Ark rolled his eyes and can feel his annoyance growing.

"I'm not sure myself, but the big question is, how do you know?" Merlin ducked as the wooden spoon flew by his head.

"Wouldn't you like too know, how about sticking that nose into someone else's business." Ark grumbled as he grabbed another spoon and two plates that were off to the side.

"Hhhmm, it seems I overestimated you, since you still act like a child even though you act very mature sometimes." Merlin mumbled as the smell of food entered his nose making both the Wizard and King's stomach growl.

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