Near the End

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Advance: I have decided to put up hate comments because I found these hilarious and also added my comments to them. Why am I doing this? No clue, to be honest.

Hate Comment: Wtf is this garbage?

Author's comment: Someone using their brain and common sense, unlike most fate books (no offense to any Fate Writers)

Hate Comment: This shit makes no sense.

Author's comment: Wait, hold on, you're telling me Fate is supposed to make sense?

Hate Comment: Skyrim spells in a... *Flips pages* naraverse or whatever the fuck it's called. And none of this adds up to the actual fate, your main character is a coward, and bla bla bla, the damn thing was a paragraph long... Oh, and my writing is garbage.

Author's Comment: OK, first off, I gave zero shit to what the fuck my character does. Also, if this makes you feel any better, there is an AU tag, so really at that point, I don't give a flying fuck. Secondly, yes, my character's a coward, but it's all about character development or some shit. He's a coward for a reason; he has a title to it. Finally, this is a fucking fanFICTION. Do I need to spell it out for you?

Advance: Now, I don't want to be that guy, and I hate being that guy. My book is probably a hella lot better than your average fate book made by people who gave a shit about the lore and facts, me? I could give less of a shit. I like to write, and this is what I make.

Angel: Besides a very large handful of people who we respect for making way better books than we do.



Devil: And a few other fate writers who have made great books. I have respect for these guys because they are the ones that gave me the inspiration to write my fate book, and so here we are.

Advance: But for those who enjoy our book, thank you very much for sticking around and rolling with my bullshit until the very end.


Ark sighed as he stuffed Sakura's soul shard into his enchanted pouch. He hoped his theory would work. If it doesn't, then everything he did here will be forgotten. Another lie he told. Trying to convince himself. He wants to remember these wars; these happy memories he created shouldn't be erased. He'll be damned if he ever let that happen.

He got to meet Gray while a bit differently than he expected. He still got to meet her and even go so far as to take her under his wing. Mordred has grown attached to the kid, and Gray has grown attracted to the blond Siblings.

Ark grits his teeth as he stops walking. balling up his hands in annoyance. He had a theory, but it requires the grail for it to work. Even though it was corrupted, Caster can still work around it.

It requires him to tinker with the memory Alteration inside the Throne of Heros. This is a pretty simple cause; after all, Ark was taught by Merlin himself who thrived in memory spells... Or was it something else? Ah, Ark couldn't remember; he can easily work around this.

He already managed to work around Mordred's memories and was sure that she'll remember everything whenever she is summoned again by the grail or by the FATE system in Fate Grand Order.

Now there was him... he didn't have to worry about Artoria since she has some weird ability to remember everything. Probably the work of Merlin, if anything.

Shaking his head, Ark closed his eyes and tried to think of a way for him to keep these memories that he created here. A few possibilities went through his head, but they were already shot down. Most involved enchantments, but he needed a lot of materials, which is something he doesn't have right now and with such little time.

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