Sibling Banter

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"No matter how much we hate, fight, or scream at each other I will always be your little brother" - Ark Pendragon

Ark had to hold back a chuckle as Mordred gazed at the King with awe and admiration. Everyone calls this so called King perfect... Ark turned away from the view, but really this "King" wasn't perfect at all especially from what he has seen and heard.

The boy recalled his past life and watching the Fate Series... he couldn't help but scoff. The King of Knights wasn't perfect, because nobody can BE perfect

Looking towards Mordred he couldn't help, but smile as she watched the King trot by them, however they paused and turned towards the siblings.

Ark blinked when he saw Mordred tense up making him turn around and see the King staring down at them from their horse. The lion armor was very threating, but also had a very noble feeling around it.

The King stared at the two siblings, but was mostly focused on Ark who simply crossed his arms not bothered by the fact he was being looked at by none other then the King.

"Come on Mordred, You wanted some food right?" Ark tugged on his sister's sleeve who couldn't pull her eyes away from the King. Ark sighed and started to drag the girl away from the area since they seem to be gaining some attention.

"Ugh, have you no shame, bow before your king!" A random Knight yelled while Ark scoffed which didn't go unnoticed by the King. "Did you hear me!"

Ark turned towards the Knight and pointed at his right ear with a annoyed look on his face.

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm death in this ear, how about saying that again in my other ear." The Knight looked pretty mad after that and Ark didn't care if he was pushing it, the boy didn't like crowds and he definitely didn't like how the King was just staring at them. "Come on Mordred!" Ark growled as he started dragging the female away.

The Knight was about to chase after them, but the King stopped him. They looked down at him and stared for a second.

"Leave the children be, they didn't do anything wrong." The King said with a emotionless voice as the Knight backed down with a reluctant nod knowing better then to argue with the King.

The King looked back towards the retreating duo and couldn't help but feel intrigued about what transpired a few seconds ago.

They have seen their fare share of emotions show by their people young and old. They all ranged from: Awe, shock, fear, hope, and happiness.

That boy however didn't show anything except annoyance and by the looks of it didn't once care about being yelled at by the Knight instead talked backed with a bit of snark and sarcasm.

...the other boy had a familiar emotions of Awe, but that was it, the first boy intrigued them greatly...


Ark held back a sigh as he finally reached the destination with his sister in toe who has yet snap out of it. The Boy spun around and stared at his sister. A frown spread across his face.

Now he had two options, snap Mordred out of it or let her daydream... he really like the first option.

"Did you see him." Mordred mumbled making Ark stop and click his tounge realizing he didn't have to do anything to her... that's a damn shame. "Did you see the King and how perfect he was." Ark sighed and shook his head at his sister.

"Sis." Mordred blinked and glared something fierce. Ark crossed his arms and waited. "Are you done?" Mordred stumbled back slightly at how calm Ark was. She expected him to be amazed by the sight of the King, but by the looks of it he wasn't bothered at all.

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