The scintillating Sun 🥀

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How would you explain a magical day? Walking in an open jungle while the weather seems pretty chilly, the sun hiding and sometimes shining brightly from behind the clouds, the soft wind blowing through his hair and the scent of calmness, not just because older was walking besides him, who for Jungkook was an epitome of comfort but it really was a great feeling, it was magical for him.

Yuna walking on the front, blabbering about stuff, Taehyung and Jungkook have heard a million times, yet it was soothing and Taehyung was responding with the same affection he showed the first time.

It makes Jungkook's heart warm, how older is even more gentle with her, it was also a thing younger fell for him harder. Taehyung was calm as sea, deep with so much emotions and love, he could hear Jungkook without him even putting it into words, he was just perfect.

"No but they all had these cool things to play" she pouted, using her hands above her head to describe how big their toys were, all of his friends back in Busan, making Taehyung sad, his daughter spent years without having things she desired especially living amongst children who had everything she didn't have.

"I'll get you anything you want" he said crouching down infront of her, "you just say it! But don't get me what I ask for", she pushed him through her small strong hands, giggling when older fell back and lied down on the ground.

It was cloudy and the colours of the sky were mesmerising, the birds chirping as usual but today he was here with his small family, his eyes moved towards Jungkook who was busy looking around, to be cautious, a smile spread on his own face looking at his Bambi eyes roaming around.

His stance was broken by the baby girl who decided it was a good time and place for some cuddles from the older, making him laugh out loud by the way she was kissing his neck to face, and playing with his hair while sitting on his hard chest.

"I asked you for a pretty brother!!" She pouted after sometime, luckily Jungkook didn't hear it this time, so he just shushed her softly, "you'll have so many siblings, but if you keep it a secret between us" he whispered into her ear making her eyes go big.

"Can we have four?" She whispered back, showing him her small fingers making Taehyung chuckle, "okay" he said before taking her small hands into her mouth for fun making her squeal in happiness and her laughter echoed around them.

Walking further away, until they reached the new formed pond, and Yuna standing next to younger's legs, her hand holding his deep black pants into her fist, couldn't believe she was looking at a pair of swan, her wide eyes openly staring at them swimming calmly, their small ducklings following their mother and she was captivated making Jungkook smile.

"You like them?" He asked and she nodded, eyes still following them, he looked at older asking, "so?" Taehyung who was busy looking at his face blinked remembering why they were here for.

He walked closer to Jungkook, so close until they only had a few inches left between them making younger's breath hitching, he gulped but kept looking until Taehyung made an eye contact.

"You have to communicate with your wolf first, I can feel him far away within you" he said, making Jungkook nod slightly, he closed his eyes, he found him, making him aware of their surroundings, he looked back at Taehyung, "now let me in through our bond Bub".

The nickname send a giddy feeling through his body, Jung kook licked his lips in anticipation, nodding but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't reform it, he looked back concerned at Taehyung making him understand without words.

"Allow me" Taehyung started, getting closer to younger until there was barely any space left between them, his warm breath hitting younger's face and Jungkook couldn't help notice the mole still looking lush on other's lips, tempting as ever.

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