39. An Inept Scythe

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I awoke to the sensation of frigid and cold air on my skin. I was shivering despite the thick, dark cloak that was wrapped over me. I was locked in a prison cell, -most likely beneath Taegrin Caelum-, deep inside of it's dungeons. The flickering torch on the side of my cell did little to alleviate the crushing feeling of desolation that was present in every crevice of the room.

The cell was carved out of rough, gray stone, and it was barely large enough for me to stand in. There was no bed, no table, not even a straw mat on the floor to soften the cold, hard stone. Instead, I was forced to sit or lie directly on it's unforgiving surface.

It's damp walls were inscribed with mana-supressing runes, and instead of metal bars, a buzzing barrier made of pure mana kept my prison seperate from the outside world. I couldn't siphon any mana from my core no matter how hard I tried.

My core!

I could've sworn that Grey had destroyed it, but it's here for some reason. Although it's black, and incredibly weak.

My thoughts are muddled as it is, but I distinctly remember that bastard leaving me for dead. I'll never forget that look on his face. The expression of a monster that murdered his best friend's love.


I can only hope that her reincarnation went smoothly.

Still, the fact that I'm in the deepest parts of Taegrin Caelum, where Agrona's most vile experiments, and most dangerous opponents are kept, means that I've done something to piss him off.

Perhaps it was my failure to capture Grey's family on this world. To think anyone would love that selfish bastard. I'll have to apologise to Agrona promptly.

I can only speculate that he healed my core somehow. That's why it's black. I've dedicated every part of this life to completing the steps necessary for Cecilia's reincarnation, and now, I fear that I won't be able to stand by her side once more.

What am I saying?

Agrona is sure to reward me for my efforts. I've spent years in that cursed continent for him, albeit unknowingly. I forged the perfect vessel for Cecilia.

But I don't understand, why did it have to be Tessia Eralith? Her body is not that bad, but it's not that it couldn't have been anyone else that looked more like the Cecil of my past life.

My thoughts were cut short when Draneeve appeared in front of my cell, he deactivated the barrier, speaking with his foul voice. "The High Sovereign awaits you in his quarters."

Biting my lower lip to avoid hurling insults at him, I simply nodded and stood up to follow him.

Strangely, my body was completely devoid of injuries. Grey riddled me with holes, yet now I feel as if nothing transpired back at that Floating Castle.

I marched up the spiraling stairs two at a time. My heart frantically thumped in my chest cavity, against my reformed core. To say that I was terrified in anticipation of my little chat with Agrona would've been an understatement.

Servants on each floor bowed deeply until I reached the hallway that connected with Agrona's private chambers. The stark contrast of which compared to my previous confinement overwhelmed me.

The walls were adorned with intricately designed tapestries, and ornately carved pillars of marble supported the high vaulted ceiling. Golden sconces held flickering torches which bathed the room in a warm glow, casting light through every inch of the room.

On each side of the hallway, I was drawn to various souvenirs that were displayed there. Gifts from Agrona's favoured highblood families, an ornate crown of phoenix feathers, and a large number of dragon horns and skulls.

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