17. Terrorist Attack

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Arthur Leywin:

"It's time for us to leave, my lord."

"Windsom?" I rubbed my eyes, waking up to the mystical Asura standing before me, holding Sylvie.

"Where is Tess?" I asked, not being able to see her around. I wonder if she heard our conversation in the carriage?

"She left back for Xyrus academy, now that her beast will is fully assimilated." Virion said. His usually dignified self now appearing as a swamp monster as his bed hair managed to take us all off guard.

"If it is to your wishes, Lord Arthur, we can make a stop at Xyrus academy before we head to Epotheus." Windsom said, placing his hand on his chest humbly.

"That'd be great, thank you." I said to him. I couldn't believe a deity was being so humble in my presence. Sylv seemed to be hard asleep on his shoulder.

"Hurrying so my granddaughter doesn't find another man?" Virion playfully teased.

"Normally I'd punch you right now, gramps. But we're not gonna see each other for a while, so thanks. Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for everything."

"You train good over there, brat. I need you to kick some Vritra ass when you come back!" He said, pulling me into an embrace.

"Thank you too, Merial, Alduin. For providing me with a home when I had nowhere else to go." I looked at Tessia's parents.

"You're welcome Arthur, you'll always be in our hearts." Alduin said, in the same tone you hear a funeral officiant say.

"You're making it sound as if he's dying..." Merial said, pulling him by the ear. "Thank you Arthur, dear, for saving our daughter so many times, and asking for nothing in return."

"Goodbye to you too Rinia, please return to the civilised world. I'd hate to see you go feral in these woods." I teased Rinia.

"Such a tearfelt goodbye." She laughed sarcastically. "Keep yourself safe, Arthur."

I left her cottage, with a heavy heart. I wasn't ready for Tess to hear it yet. But my parents had to hear of my reincarnation. After everything they've sacrificed for me. It'd be wrong for me not to tell them.

"After you, my Lord." Windsom pointed to golden-iridescent portal next to us.
Stepping into it, I felt a pleasant sensation, this was similar to Sylvia's portal.

Stepping out of it, I found myself in the familiar streets of Xyrus city. The massive academy visible in the distance.

I'd be going there with a heavy heart. I have to say goodbye to Elijah, the DC, and Tess. But still, it's better to spend 3 years apart than to risk them being capured by the Vritra or something.

Tch. What do I make of Tess. I said I like her. I feel different around her when I do around everyone else. I feel whole, complete, warm, and all the other positive adjectives. So is this love? Having someone this close to you? I have so many questions.

"Lord Arthur!" Windsom got my attention. In the distance, where Xyrus academy was. A huge explosion took place.

Lucas Wykes:

This elixir! There is no doubt. Not even gods would be able to take me on! I am invincible.

"Well there elf princess." I scratched the surface of her arm with my blade. I know Draneeve ordered me not to kill her. But I found myself struggling to obey his orders. Why was she more important than me? "Your little commoner dog wasn't here to save you this time."

She was a mess, clothes torn, hair disheveled, surface wounds everywhere. Yet she mustered the strength to spit at me. I beat her ridicolous plant magic, killed her driver. And she had the strength to spit at me...

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