22. The Old Friend

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Oh, someone's knocking? I best open the door. I've been spending a good few centuries in this shack. Books have been my best friend, but alas, paper cannot talk.

As I walked to the door, I glanced to the book about the prophecy, three spheres of light on the cover, two huddled close together, one watching, with a little black dot within it. A little pink-colored child gifted me this book on one of my visits to the land of the lessers.

I found it ridicolous, I found it to be a dramatic children's story at first. But as time passed, as I lost my status, and as I fled from my home, I've had time to think. The first fluctuation, then the second, then the one coming from Alacrya, it couldn't have been a coincidence. Then the 'greatening' process, which has been felt amply around the area where they've made contact. It's all true, I found it hard to believe, but it is.

I opened the door, looking at a disheveled looking figure, offering her to step in.

"Nice to see you, my old friend." She said.

"My pleasure, Myre, make yourself comfortable." I gestured her to sit.

"You've made this place way more cozy than it appears to be from the outside." She chuckled.

"A few centuries here can change one's mind fast about the matter, to what can I owe this unexpected visit?" I said, pouring her a cup of tea, while she sat in my lounge chair.

"I'm bringing him to you, tommorow. I'm also here to give you this." She handed me a small, rotund object. I observed the little metallic container, twirling it around between my fingers.

"I'll make sure to give it to him, is there anything else?" I stashed the ball in my pocket. I haven't been so keen on using mana, since Kezess is bound to find me if I do so.

"Don't give it to him, use it on his earrings, and tell him, but not everything, be shallow, the Legacy may only be expunged if he learns at precisely the right moment." She said, looking more serious than I've ever seen her look.

"Understood..." I said silently, the fate of the world rests on these our old shoulders.

Tessia Eralith:

This is my second year in the Beast Glades, ever since I practically begged grandpa to let me go, I've been clearing out dungeons with my team. Crippling the Alacryans' ability to use beasts against us, like back at the attack on Xyrus academy.

I've been teamed up with three other people, Stannard, Caria, and Darvus.

Caria was very polite in front of me, but an absolute hillbilly in front of Darvus, it makes sense beacause they grew up together. I'd expect them to have something more romantic going on, but they act more like vicious siblings than anything else.

Darvus is a real slabhead, through and through. He's a good fighter, wielding dual axes. But he's too impulsive, and tends to come out as an oaf. He has a good heart and tends to make us laugh

Stannard is a special case, he can store spells into beast cores, and fire them out of this device as massive mana blasts. He's the firepower of our team. He's generally a bit shy around me, I'd say he has a little crush on me. He's a nice guy, but he's no Art.


It's been 3 years since I've last seen him. What is he doing in Epheotus? I hope they didn't chisel him like a marble statue and he doesn't come back as this ungodly handsome, muscular hunk. How would I be able to focus on the war with him around?

I'm currently at the solid silver stage, I've yet to find a dungeon I couldn't clear with ease. My 18th birthday passed not long ago, and I've managed to spend it cutting down Ice Glazers. That's what I get for trying to fight a war...

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