30. Memories

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I clouded myself with the same shroud of apathy and indifference that I used so often during my past life. Now is not the time to be emotional, I have to be prepared to accept any results of this confession.

I walked into the room, Virion, Aldir, and Sylvie were already seated around a large, circular table made out of stone. Aldir and Sylvie looked depressed, they knew what was about to happen. Virion looked curious, yet wary, he knew that whatever I was about to say would come with great difficulties.

I thought I could live a normal life, for a short period... But that time has come to an end. I've come too far to give up, if Mordain is right, this is just one small step to defeating Agrona, and more importantly, the Legacy that he plans to bring into this world.

Tessia followed behind me, concern seeping from her gentle features. "Art, what is this about?" She asked, grabbing my hand.

"Don't hate me for this." I mumbled, clasping my other hand over our intertwined ones, and prying my eyes away from her.

"Sit, child." Aldir gestured to Tessia.

I pulled out a chair that was opposite the large window that looked out onto the expansive land below us. Seating myself, I cleared my throat.

"I wanted to start this off by saying that I'm sorry for not telling you the full truth earlier." I said.

"The full truth, what are you saying, brat?" Virion asked, looking slightly concerned.

"Seeing how my parents reacted to this, I have my doubts, but you two deserve to know, more than anyone." I paused my sentence, took a deep breath, and continued.

"This is not the only life that I lived."

"Arthur, what do you mean?" Tessia said, attempting to get up, but Sylvie gestured her to sit back down.

"I have memories of a past life, fuzzy and misplaced memories, but they're there, it's how I was able to awaken at the age of two, how I was able to best most elite fighters as a young child, how I always knew what to do..." I started.

"Art, is this some sort of prank you four are pulling on me?" Tessia asked, a weird smile placed on her face.

"This is the truth, I'm sorry that I kept it hidden from you for so long. I contemplated telling you for a long time, but I feared you would shun me away."

Tessia froze in her seat, her irises visibly darkened, Virion tried to say something, but Aldir directed him to stop before he could.

"I kept most details from my parents, but this time I'll give a detailed account of my memories, so please, allow me to continue."


I was born on a different world, not this one. But one from another reality. The world of my past life had no magic, not much of anything, really. Everyone seemed miserable, like the air and the people there were venomous.

I don't remember much from my early childhood, all I know is that my mother died in childbirth, and the man who said he was my father frequented the the liquor store.

The man gave me no name, he did nothing much except for drink and wallow around in a filthy armchair. I had no documents, no identity, no anything. He simply called me 'Grey.'

I was about three years old, when I saw that man talking to a bunch of hooded figures in the living room. When he saw me, he pointed at me, and the hooded figures grabbed me.

Something the man was holding pinched my forearm, and it burned. I kicked and screamed, begging for them to not take me away. The man received a sachet of coins as a gift for giving me over. I remember one hooded figure yelping in pain when I kicked his leg. Then I was hit in the head with a glass bottle, and all I recall is seing some type of symbol on their robes before I passed out.

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