18. Tearfelt Goodbye

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Arthur Leywin:

My stomach wretched at the sight. The girl I cared so much about, on the floor, bloody and battered. It filled me with a seething rage. I wanted to destroy the entire world. I wanted to kill everyone who did me wrong.

I can't let Tessia see me as a monster, not after what she did to me. I hope she doesn't hate me after I mangle Lucas.

I remember my first kill in the Arena. I was a boy, about 8 years old, or maybe 9? Doesn't matter. I was told they would kill my friend if I didn't give the crowd what they wanted. So I massacred the poor man in front of me, fearing what they would do to the only ones I cared about.

The crowd's expressions in the face of domineering power. Shock, fear, disgust, the most twisted ones applauded and cheered like wild animals. I was a child, and they cheered when I tore a man apart from limb to limb in front of them.

I kneeled down in front of Tessia, fearing the worst had already happened. I grasped her hand, feeling it's warmth. She's alive, thank god.

I tuned out Lucas' inscrutable screeching completely. She slowly opened her eyes. "A-Art... Is that you?" She murmured.

"I'm sorry. I hope you don't think any differently of me for what I'm about to do to Lucas." I said, afraid to meet her eyes.

"Art..." Her hand caressed my cheek. "Go fuck him up. Please."

"Such a foul-mouthed princess." I chuckled, earning a playful, albeit weak punch on the arm and a pout from Tess.

"I'll be back in a jiffy, keep her safe Sylv." I said as Sylvie breathed a purple mist on Tessia. Before I turned to Lucas.

"...AND I'LL SHOVE IT RIGHT UP YOUR WHORE LOVER'S ASS!" He screamed. The rage inside me rose infinitely. If I was here any later, he might've actually desecrated her. He might've actually done these things he was saying.

I activated my second phase. The runes glowed vibrantly as the world lost all color.

"You know, Lucas." I started walking toward him. "I've let you live, for way too long. I've truly gone soft, if it was the old me, you would have been dead the moment you pushed Jasmine in that dungeon."

He was trembling, a yellow liquid stained the floor under him. But he still mustered the strength to attack. A fire spell came hurling at me, I could've countered simply, but I wanted him to fear me before he died.

[Absolute Zero]

The white flames met his ridicolous attack, and it whimpered out of existence like candlelight under water.
"You're the masked one! You're the adventurer!" He yelled, throwing a blade at me. I could've finished him with sound magic, but no, that's too easy for him.

[Lightning King's Hammer]

Dark lightning crashed into his blade, shattering it into a million pieces. It hit him a second later. He screamed, like a little bitch. He was on the floor, and his charred arm was at least 10 meters behind him.

"W-whata-fuck." He mumbled as snot came out of his disgusting, veiny face.

I walked up to him, grabbed his arm and froze it. He shrilled. "Y-you can't do this."

"Where were you going to shove 'it', again? I couldn't quite hear you the first time." I looked him directly in his bloodshot eyes, before I shattered his frozen arm.

He screamed, and kicked. I sent out a blade of wind, severing one of his legs at the knee, kicking the amputated part away.

"I-I'm Lucas Wykes, you can't-you can't!" He cried and drooled. Disgusting.

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