25. Reunion

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Tessia Eralith:

There he was. Standing at the top of this sight, the world revolving around him. Was this really the man that I love? His eyes hold a certain darkness, and his aura, albeit familiar, is intimidating.

He jumped down from the mountain of beasts, landing with a thud on the floor, stashing away his blade in the dimension ring I gave him so long ago.

All the voices coming from behind, the cries of danger, and the advice to back away from my subordinates melted into nothing as I walked up to him.

Our gazes collided, and whatever thoughts I had right now completely disappeared, as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I've missed you." He whispered in my ear, pulling me closer.

I wanted to chastise him, I wanted to scream at him for saying all those things to me, and then leaving me alone for three years. I wanted to punch him for looking this good, even after battling countless mana beasts. But I couldn't, I couldn't make a scene here.

I mustered a weak "I missed you too." Before pulling him closer, and weeping softly in his chest. The iron wall I've built as a leader in the Beast Glades over all this time came crushing down as Art kissed my forehead.

"We'll chat back at the camp." He said, wiping off my stray tear with his hand.

"Arthur!" Said Helen and Jasmine, as they pulled him into an embrace.

"Mama!" I heard, as a little girl, with blonde hair and onyx horns came up to me.

"S-Sylvie?" I said, after due consideration and realization that Arthur and I haven't done anything like 'that', yet.

"Is my dress pretty?" She said, twirling around in her sparkling black battle dress.

Before I could muster up a response, Khago stepped forward and bombarded Art with questions. He kept up his cool mask, answering them shortly, saying he will debrief Khago back at the camp.

Slowly, but surely I was reminded that Art didn't change. He was just, stronger, and more serious. Somehow more mature than that overly knowledgeable 13-year old boy I knew before. I liked this version of him way more.


Arthur Leywin:

In the large tent, I debriefed Khago on only the most basic of details. It left him fuming, but he could plan the next course of action.

"I'll leave you and mama alone, you two should catch up." Sylvie said, as she walked out of the tent.


The moment I saw her, it was like a stone fell on my heart. I knew I had a limited time with her, so I had to spend it wisely.

"Art..." She said, mustering a weak punch on my chest.

She then proceeded to criticize me, about leaving, about what she went through, about what happened back after I kissed her all those years ago. I couldn't blame her, but I also couldn't blame myself. I had to leave, the level of power I've acquired in Epheotus increased our chances of victory by several times.

"...my hair looks like a bird's nest, and I stink like week-old garbage, an-" She kept going, repeatedly slamming my chest.

I pulled her close, and our lips made contact. We stood like that, taking each other's presence in, for a long time, and then we both pulled away.

"You're beautiful to me." I said, to which she shuddered.

"You're lying." She said, clenching her fists.

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