4.5 Art's Birthday

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(Bonus chapter)

Hey guys, just wanted to write out something fun and upbeat before the story gets kind of dark, or light, or exciting?

Hope you have a fun read.

Arthur Leywin:

Phewwww. What a week, that old fossil Virion is insane. His idea of training makes the Arena look like a walk in the park.

What should I do today?






I got it! I'll go to that ice cream store with Tess, they always make sure to give out extra large portions to the princess and elder Virion's esteemed disciple!

I gotta tell her to get ready... although I should probably get washed up and dressed first.

And so I did, putting on a simple, yet dashing outfit, pointing finger guns at myself in the mirror


Huh? Someone's at the door, I better open it.

As I opened the door, something headbutted my sternum at mach speeds. I couldn't even react in time with my heightened reflexes.

"Ouch..." I murmured, as I saw a familiar little elf standing with her head up high and a satisfied smile on her face.

"Tess, what the hell?" I said, holding my chest."

"That was for forgetting!" She said with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Forgetting?" I said, confused.

"Come on, there's no time!" She said as she dragged me down the stairs.

"Grandpa's gonna love hearing about how I one-shotted you." She said, with and expression that reminded me of the grinch...

"Tessia, if you tell him I'll never hear the end of it from that old man. Besides, where are you taking me?" I said, trying my hardest to keep the arm she held in its socket.

"We're here!"She said as she pushed me through a large door.

What the?

"What day is it?" I inquired.

"Happy Birthday Art!" said Tessia, her family and the maids in unison.

"My 4th birthday... how could I have forgotten?" I spoke in awe.

I felt something being placed on my head. Something leafy.

"As the birthday boy, per elven custom you must wear this leaf hat for the whole day!" Said gramps, with the classic prankster smile plastered on his face.

"Grandpa... I think the hat says dunce..."
Said Tessia matter-of-factly.

Why am I not suprised...

"You'll pay for this when we spar tommorow, gramps." I said, slamming the leafy cap on his head.

He stared me down as I thought to myself." You can't outprank the ultimate prankster, old man."

"Enough about that!" Virion said. "Time for presents. This one's from me!"

Oh yeah, I only ever got presents once in my past life. I wonder what they got me now?

Virion handed me a gray box with a green strip along the middle of it.
I opened it to see a white cloak, neatly folded.

"It's a magic cloak, it diverts eyes from anyone who looks at you, I got a matching one for Tessia in case you guys ever want to sneak out when Alduin and Merial aren't letting you." He whispered with a grin to me, sending goosebumps through my skin."

"Too close gramps, I can taste your breath. Still, thanks." I said while swatting away in front of my nose.

"Arthur, his one is from me and Alduin."

Merial handed me a massive book, wrapped in a blue ribbon.

"This is an atlas, containing information on all things magical on Dicathen. We think you'll find it pretty useful." Alduin spoke.

"You're saying it as if it was your idea to buy him the atlas, dear." Merial remarked, causing Alduin to get flustered.

"Your graces, thank you for this wonderful present." I said, with respect.

"Oh please Arthur, you can call us by our first names, we owe a lot to you personally." Said Merial with a motherly tone.

"Last one's from me Arthur!" Said Tessia while handing me a small white box, decorated with a pink design.

I opened it to find a golden ring inside.

"A dimension ring, thank you Tess." I said to her, gratefully.

"You should check what it has inside." She said while fidgeting with her hands.

"Fifty free Ice cream coupons?! You know me to well Tess! Let's go spend them right now!" I said, grateful that she got me something that my very essence desired.

"Not yet brat! You forgot the cake!" Said Virion.

"Of course, the-" as I was turning around, the feeling of whipped cream on my nose cut my voice off as Virion made sure to slam the cake in my face with a lot of care... and force...

"See you tommorow morning brat, 8 O'Clock sharp." He said while laughing.

"Grandpa! He can't go out like that!" Said Tessia while pinching him by the arm.

No one outpranks me! Prepare for hell, you geriatric, I thought to myself.

"Ouch! Little one, it's just cake!" He mumbled in a higher pitch than usual.

"I spent hours making that yesterday!" Said Tess, increasing the force of her pinch, making Virion squeal.

Heh, what a family, I hope my little sister shows less creative punishment methods once I meet her.

This is gonna be a fun couple of years!

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