2. The Incident

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Arthur Leywin:

My core's formation certainly didn't come as a suprise, to me at least. With how the mana is just drawn to me during my every activity I was suprised it took 2 years. I'll always remember the bewilderment on my parents' faces.

I've spent this last year training with my dad among my other activities. What a wonderful life I'm having, as if every shred of loneliness and pain in my past life never even existed.

I've been able to do some basic fire and water attribute spells, quite easy to do, all it took was gaining a little insight and the mana simply went with my flow.

Not to say that I didn'g take another 5 years of my parents' life when they learned I could use two elements... heh...
maybe I could use more in the future.

And here we were, seated around the table, my parents arguing... no, not arguing... debating is the word, on the glorious subject matter of gracing me with a proper instructor.

"He needs one Alice, I can't teach him anything besides different kinds of pushups now."

"He's too young Rey, let him be a kid."

And so on and on... until I decided to put an end to this. "Mom, dad, what about what I want?"

They looked at eachother as if they just mentally communicated the words "Crap, that slipped my mind." In between themselves.

"So what do you want Art?" They said in harmony.

"I think I'd like a teacher, I'd love working on my skills more." I said with a full mouth.

Dad stuck his tongue out at mom and did his victory dance.

All mom could do was look at him and shake her head as she said. "Fine, we're heading to Xyrus tommorow with the twin horns.

Xyrus, the magical floating city from the books, hell I didn't even get to go on an airplane in my old life, this is too exciting. I can't wait!

"But..." my mother offered an ultimatum with the words "... you must finish your veggies young man."

And so I stared at the plate of green stuff in front of me, genious fighter reduced to a rabbit nibbling on greens. Pffft. I began eating, knowing it was for the better.


The famous adventurer group of my parents' olden days, the twin horns, were waiting for us in front of a carriage.

As we exited our cottage, before I knew what was happening, I found myself unable to breathe, squeezed in between some kind of... pillows?

"Aren't you the cutest little baby everrrr!!" The blonde woman exclaimed as she released me from hear death grasp. "I'm Angela, nice to meet you."

"Art, pleasure to meet you." I said with a shallow bow, still dazed from the lack of oxygen.

"Is this kid really Rey's son?" The red haired man said?

"Who else would it be you dingus?" Said the woman with a quiver around her shoulders.

"Well his manners-" the red haired man tried to say as he was cut of by the bow wielding woman."Hey little Art, this bumbling idiot is Adam, I'm Helen, the big guy over there is Durden and-"

A young girl popped out of the carriage just to say "Jasmine..." in a meek tone.

"She's just a bit shy..." my mom said.

"Arthur Lewyin, great pleasure to meet you all." I bowed as I used to do with my opponents in the Arena of my old life.

They all looked at me with disbelief, considering my father's occasional...no... frequent "demonstrations of proper etiquette", I could somewhat understand the initial shock.

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