The Difference Between "I Love You" and "I Love You"

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Vegeta glared up at Frieza with an expression mixed with hate, anger, and fear. He winced as his face was snatched closer to Frieza's. Vegeta pushed against Frieza, trying to get away, but his lips were forced onto Frieza's.

When the tyrant pulled away his red eyes burned vegeta. He ran a cold, bloody hand through Vegeta's hair, forcing Vegeta to look at him with his free hand.

His voice was low and sharp, "I love you." He waited for Vegeta to repeat the phrase, whether it was meant or not.

Vegeta's eyes brimmed with tears, feeling the bruises forming where he was hit, "I hate you."

He cried out when he was knocked onto the floor. He felt blood trickle out from his nose, and winced as he was snatched by his collar.

"Don't speak to me that way."

"Don't touch me you sick bastard!" Vegeta felt Frieza's tail wrap around his neck, he locked his feet as the pain set in.

He choked breathlessly, trying to get any air in his lungs. His vision began to go dark and he felt more tears in his eyes as Frieza only watched.

Frieza's eyes widened as he realized what he was doing. He loosened his tail and gently rubbed Vegeta's throat as the saiyan gasped for breath.

"I'm sorry, you know I wouldn't do this on purpose. I love you.. I would never want to hurt you." He brought Vegeta close and listened to the rapid heartbeat, he inhaled Vegeta's scent.

"I love you."

Vegeta felt his stomach fold into itself in disgust, but he was overwhelmed in fear that it dominated his hatred.

".. I love you too..."

Frieza smiled as he lifted his head to stare into Vegeta's eyes again, "see? I knew you were just playing hard to get."

Vegeta frowned and the tears never stopped.


Vegeta stared up at Goku, an expression of deep thought on his face. Goku looked at Vegeta with a simple smile.

"Somethin' on y'ur mind Geta?" Goku asked, turning his attention back onto the kids playing together within the confines of the living room.

"No. Not that it's any of your business." Vegeta crossed his arms as her leaned more into the couch, also turning his focus on the kids.

Goku looked back at Vegeta, he pulled the other by the legs until Vegeta was in his lap. Goku rested his wrists on Vegeta's thighs, but didn't put his hands all over Vegeta. As much as he wanted to, he wanted to make Vegeta comfortable.

"C'mon Geets, what's the matter? You can talk to me." Goku waited patiently for a response.

Vegeta kept his focus on the kids, watching how they played together, how they fought then quickly got over it, how they communicated so easily, how no one was left out.

Vegeta exhaled deeply through his nose as he wrapped his arms around himself. "I don't want to talk about it." Hesitantly, he leaned forward and rested his cheek on Goku's shoulder.

Goku smiled, grateful that Vegeta voiced honesty, and wanted physical comfort. He wrapped his arms around Vegeta and rubbed Vegeta's back softly with rhythmic strokes. "That's okay, thanks for letting me know."

Goku smiled into Vegeta's hair, "I love you."

Vegeta froze, not knowing how to react. ".. I.."

Goku kissed Vegeta's temple, "it's alright Geta, don't force yourself to do something you don't want. Unless it's eating y'ur vegetables." Goku laughed a little.

Vegeta's eyes softened, and quietly, under his breath he muttered, "I love you too.."

There are people who love people, but can't accept rejection. There are people who love people, and are patient with their lovers. There are people who love people, but are afraid of getting hurt. There are people who can't love, and there are people who can't stop loving.

Love isn't flowers and chocolates, or morning sex, or late night drives, or cuddles, or lust. Love is that feeling you get when you feel helpless, you feel weak in the knees, like your brain is jelly and your heart is burning. Love is something you can't get enough of, as awful as it is. Love can bring joy, and memories, but also pain and scars.

Love is represented by roses because of their beautiful petals, and their painful thorns for a reason.

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