Unhappy new year

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Very very VERY late new years one shot.

"Ahh! How... Dare... You...!" Vegeta growled as Goku continued to press faster and harder.

"Kakarot! Don't-! Stop!" Vegeta choked out, his eyes began tearing up in frustration.

"Don't stop? Okay!" Goku reverted his focus back on what he was doing, only this time more intense. He intended on winning.

"No. No. No! No! NO! NO! NO! FUCK!" Vegeta threw his controller at the back of Goku's head, "you're a fucking button masher! You fucking cheater! I hate you!"

Goku chuckled ignoring that tightening feeling in his chest. "Someone's rage quitting~" he teased.

"Shut up dumbass"

Vegeta looked up at the clock perked neatly on Bulma's fireplace. 7:56
Vegeta yawned, "I'm going to bed. It's getting late."

He turned to see Goku's shocked and slightly upset expression. "What? Like I said it's late. I'm tired Kakarot."

"I get that but...you're not gonna celebrate New Years with us?" The tight feeling in Goku's chest seemed to get tighter, as if a hand towel that was being wrung out.

"The fuck is New Years?" Vegeta questioned whilst raising a brow.

"It's when we stay up all night to celebrate the new year! You do realize that tomorrow is going to be next year right?" Goku looked up at Vegeta, and the tight feeling went away almost instantly, seeing that Vegeta was merely confused.

"Why does that need celebrating?" Vegeta said sitting back down," and how do we celebrate this 'new years'?"

He blinked as he got a strange, unrecognizable look from Goku. "What?"

"And I'm pretty sure that's everything I know about New Year's." Goku finished proudly.

"So you're telling me, that you want keep to stay up until when? Knowing I like to go to bed early?" He gave Goku a harsh look.

"Just trust me, it'll be worth it!"

"It better be worth it otherwise I'mma turn you into a hashtag for keeping me up so long."

Goku watched Vegeta's face contort to various types of amazed expressions in admiration. "Was it worth it?"


"Would you be willing to do this again next New Year's?"

"Only if I'm allowed to sleep in afterwards, cause even though these fireworks are absolutely amazing, I'm tired as hell." Goku smiled more, then got an idea.

"Hey Geets, look." Goku called for Vegeta's attention, once acquiring it he shot an energy ball into the sky that exploded seconds later.

"Wow so impressive, look at this!" Vegeta called shooting an energy ball of his own further. It crashed into an astroid passing by with precision.

"Aww, you're so cute Geta." Goku cuddled him.

"I'm not cute! I'm sexy and handsome! Sexy and handsome I tell you! Sexy and handsome!!"

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