Battle Scars

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I now you guys are waiting on the other chapter but I was sad and inspired by things on Tumblr and confused, so I made this.

Trans Vegeta AU

He sat there, waiting for Vegeta to calm down. But he cried for five minutes straight, before stopping to catch his breath and tears. And then five minutes more of his hushed sobs. And then thirty more. And soon, an hour of on and off crying had passed, and Vegeta's sobs had quieted to thin whimpers and shallow, uneven breaths.

Goku couldn't see the other hidden in the darkness under the bed. He looked around the blue hues of the room surrounding him, before focusing back. "Geta?" He said.

Vegeta didn't respond. He couldn't. He felt like he was going to throw up and cry at the same time.

"You're right. I don't know what you been through, but I do know that it must've been bad to get all those scars. And I'm not just talkin' about the outside ones." He said honestly.

Vegeta subconsciously ran a hand under his shirt and over the scars on his chest and stomach. He remembered the story behind each and every single one. He remembered who did it, where it happened, what was used, when, and why.

Vegeta's fingers brushed against the scars under his pectorals, and he flinched. He hated those scars. He wished they'd go away. They were a sign of weakness, and the whole reason he had to do it was so that he could be wouldn't be weak anymore.

That's why he was so mean to girls and women. He was jealous. As jealous as a person could get, he was. They didn't have to take away parts of themselves just so they could have even a sliver of hope to chasing their dream. Their purpose.

"I had to." Vegeta's voice was broken, and very quiet due to the crying.

"Why?" Goku asked, "did someone force ya?"

Vegeta sniffed. "I wanted to be strong too. But my body... I didn't.. I couldn't.." He struggled to find the words to explain it.

"It's okay, you're here aren't you? You've made it this long, so what's stopping you from going further?" Goku smiled lightly when he saw a gloved hand start to slide out from under the bed, and heard a body sliding out from underneath.

"Like I said, Vegeta, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Maybe you'll feel better if you tell everyone, and get that weight off your chest? "

"But.. What are they going to think of me when they find out? Kakarot, I did a lot of dumb shit, all cause of my stupid pride." Vegeta's eyes stung as new tears moistened his dry eyes.

"Vegeta, that was a long time ago. We've all seen your improvement from day one. And we're so proud of you. I'm so proud of you." Goku wrapped his arms around the prince. And began to rock them gently.

Vegeta hesitated, then wrapped his arms around the younger saiyan. He nuzzled his head into Goku's neck and hooked his legs around his waist.

".. I hate you." He mumbled into the warm skin.

"I love you too." Goku kissed at the scars on his shoulder, a sign that he was his difficulties hadn't gone unnoticed.

I've been feeling sad, in pain, and suffering lately. So all of you will, hopefully, suffer with me. Luv you guys/gurls/unsures/inbetweens/and you confused ones.

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