Everything About You

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We were laying on the bed after a grueling day of sparring. I don't remember how long it was I was so focused. Twelve, or maybe fourteen, hours of sparring and training come and gone. Vegeta really didn't like the idea of laying in bed all dirty from training, but he was too tired to make it to the shower and just flopped into bed. I took a second, knowing he'd be mad if I got his bed dirty, but he told me he'd wash everything later. I got in bed, and we did our best to cuddle without touching.

"Fuck. It's already bed time." He said, twisting his upper body away from me to check the clock that sat on the night stand.

I didn't even have the energy to agree with him.

He laid back down, and pulled his tight short-shorts down out of his butt crack. I'd call them booty shorts but last time I called them that he choked me.

I ran a hand up and down his leg. I don't know why but just touching him, or even just being near him always made things better. We just laid there for a few minutes, in an utter, peaceful silence. I thought he'd fallen asleep actually, until he wrapped his arms around my head and breathed out heavily.


I hummed in question. He took a brief second to ask his question.

"Why.. Are you always touching me? You're touching me, but you don't want to fuck. You don't want to fuck now, do you?" He looked down at me with a perplexed and subtle glare.

"Nope. I just like touching you. Even when you're dirty. Your smell too, it's nice." I smiled at his disgusted/flattered expression.

"Th-thanks? I don't-... You smell me?" He asked accusingly, it made me a bit confused.

"Yep. If they made a cologne or candle that smelled like you I'd always have my face smashed into it. There's just something about you that's just-"

"Perfect?" Vegeta smirked.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked, raising my brow tiredly, my exhaustion finally starting to really get to me.

"Just a-" he yawned and I saw his huge fangs and other pearly whites, "lucky guess."

Vegeta turned his upper body away from me once more to turn off the lamp. "Goodnight Geta." I snuggled up to him under the blankets.

"Night, Kakarot." He wiggled down into a more comfortable position, his bottom lip resting on my forehead.

I listened to the slow rumble of his breathing, the breeze of his breath tickling my face, until the slow rumbles rose to low snores as he eventually drifted off into sleep. I closed my eyes and listened closer, hearing the gentle lullaby of his heartbeat rang beautifully in my ear. I found myself lost in calm steadily follow in drifting off into a peaceful doze.

Oh how I love every about you.

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