Homelife part 3: Daddy's favorite

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Continuation of Homelife part 2

Trigger warning:
Yelling and fighting

Goku was actually surprised on how quickly Vegeta was able to clean his room, and it was a good clean too. He was also surprised on how smart he was and how fast he did his homework. He could've sworn Vegeta just started on it and was done quicker than that Bruter kid on the track team.

But sooner than wanted...slam.

And Vegeta's dad was home. He knew as soon as he heard it something was off, the intense shaking Vegeta had afterward was a huge red flag. Who ever vegeta's dad was, they were mean enough to scare vegeta. And that's not and easy task.

"Vegeta! Kakarot! Get over here!" They heard the man yell.

Goku could've sworn he heard Vegeta's heart beating out of his chest, poor thing. Goku trudged down stairs and followed where the yell had come from. Before he opened the door to the room he took a look at Vegeta, the boy looked as if he'd seen a ghost, he was so pale.

Goku set a hand on the trembling back, a reassurance that they'd live after this. They walked inside Vegeta's father's room and immediately Vegeta got on the floor and bowed.

Goku looked at him, dumbfounded. 'Why would you do that in front of family?' Goku had thought to himself.

That's when he looked at the beast known as Vegeta's father.

He immediately did the same thing Vegeta did and apologized for the misunderstanding. The two boys heard heavy footsteps and looked at each other in desperation and fear.

Goku was tapped on the shoulder and he reluctantly glared upward. He was immediately met with a glare similar to that of Vegeta's.

Goku took a deep breath to calm himself and stood up, looking the intimidating man in the eye. Goku found himself in shock as the man chuckled and put a hand on Goku's shoulder.

"I like you." He said smiling. That smile quickly faded, however, as soon as he looked down at Vegeta, who was still kneeling on the floor. "You remind me of how my son should be. Strong, courageous, muscular, and manly above all things." He listed everything slowly, as if trying to penetrate his son's heart a million times until there was nothing left.

"He is strong and manly." Goku defended, just because he hated Vegeta didn't mean he deserved to be treated like this. No one did.

"Oh really? Vegeta, up." Bejita roared, watching in disappointment as his son quickly obeyed.

"Your little friend here thinks your strong. Hit me." He said, not reacting to the boy's shocked expressions.

"Did you hear what I fucking said? Hit me!" His voice boomed, agitated.

"Yes s-sir." Vegeta brought his hands up, balling them into fists on the way up, one in front of the other.

He made a hard hit against his father's chest, slight hope in his eyes as he knocked him back a few inches. His father also placed his hand other the area where the blow landed. "Not bad." He said before hitting him back harder, knocking poor Vegeta down to the ground as he gasped for air.

"Vegeta!" Goku cried kneeling down to help his childhood bul- friend. His childhood friend.

"Listen to me Son Kakarot, if this brat gives you any problems, let me know." He stomped his offspring's spine, making sure to leave a bruise, "I'll deal with him."
Goku sat there, comforting the other as he continued to sob into his chest. "Vegeta it wasn't your fault and you know that."

"Liar, he wouldn't have done that if it weren't for you. If you weren't there it would've been so much worse if you weren't here." Vegeta pulled away to blow his nose, his eyes red and puffy.

"What do I have to do with this? I just stood up for you, what's so amazing about that?" Goku raised his brows seeing even more tears run down the older's cheeks.

"You were the first thing to impress him in years, that was supposed to be me Kakarot. Me!" Vegeta cried, he immediately stopped when there was banging on the door.

"Vegeta, shut the hell up! I can hear you from down stairs for Kami sake!" He shouted from the other side of the down. Vegeta sniffled rubbing his eyes, ridding them of left over tears.(I didn't forget that they are human, but this still has dragon ball so Kami is still god)

This is gonna be one long week.

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