English is stupid

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"Vegeta!" Goku stormed into The older saiyan's bedroom.

Vegeta jolted awake and looked at him grogy and confused.

"What's your name?" Goku demanded.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow, confused. "Vegeta?"

"And how do you spell it?" Goku glared as he moved to the side, revealing Bulma glaring back at Goku.

The two of them froze and looked at Vegeta in shock and confusion at his answer.

"I don't know how to read and write in English."

"W-wha..?" The gaping pair questioned.

Vegeta looked super confused, he was still speaking English right? "I can't read and write in English." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Hold on," Bulma said putting her hands up to stop him from speaking, "You said you can't read and write English. So is there another language you can read and write in?"

Vegeta pulled a face and looked at the wall, muttering quietly under his breath. Bulma and Goku looked at each other very confused before shrugging and looking back. They could come back to their argument later, this was much more interesting.

"German, Saiyan, Portuguese, Icejin, Clorforan, Methanise, Porta Rican Spanish..." He went off naming  bunch of alien languages, "...and... Nope, I think that's about it."

He looked back at the pair who had there jaws on the floor.

Now Vegeta was very super confused.

Bulma left the room for a moment, leaving Vegeta to be uncomfortable as Goku continued to stare at him awestruck. A few moments later Bulma returned and waved Goku to get closer. As soon as everyone was sat on Vegeta's bed on either side of him, Bulma handed the eldest saiyan paper book only a few pages long with basic English words.

"Read it."


"and, Sah-m plah-yeed wit-hah tuh-hah-ee ball." He closed the small book, back at Bulma to see how proud of him she was.

Bulma stared at him with wide eyes and a horrified face.

Goku patted Vegeta on the back whilst avoiding eye contact.

Vegeta was very super mega confused.

"Y.. You.. You did.. Good... Vegeta..." Goku struggled to whisper out.

Vegeta threw the book across the room. "English is defenestration!"

"English is what?!" Bulma asked very super mega ultra confused.

"Doesn't that mean stupid?" Vegeta asked as he looked at her very super ultra mega hyper confused.

"No! No, no, no. That means to throw someone out of a window."

Vegeta was very super highly ultra mega hyper confused. "Why is there a word for that?!? How many people had to be thrown out of windows for this to become an actual word!?"

Bulma shrugged with a very truly super highly mega hyper confused look.

The person who wrote English was on crack or something. It's stupid. Also I love how I just kept making being confused a challenge. Who's more confused?? Well I'm very super truly super highly super mega super duper hyper super confused 😮

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