Your different emotions Part 1

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This is a random thought in my head that I decided to write down.
Quick Waring Though:This story may be disturbing I'm some way or another, and light gore.


"WHAT?!" Krillin screamed at Bulma, he was utterly terrified of what he had just been told. "YOU MEAN TO TELL US THAT YOU 'ACCIDENTALLY' SEPARATED VEGETA INTO DIFFERENT EMOTIONS!?"

"Do you mind keeping it down? I have a headache right now as much as it is and you screaming isn't really helping." Bulma said calmly as she massaged her temples in an attempt to calm her raging headache.

"It's okay bulma, but do you have any idea which emotions Vegeta separated into?" Yamcha said, "They're just emotions."

"Yea" Krillin added, "Vegeta's emotions"

"We're getting off topic guys!" Goku said loudly, he was very worried about getting Vegeta back together, because right now he was literally a bunch of emotions.

"Goku's right" Tien continued, "Bulma what emotions did you say Vegeta split into?"

"Well they have they're emotion tattoed on they're body somewhere, and they talked about where they were going.... "


Love(female) : "I'll go to West city! There will be so many humans to meet! Oh I bet all the women are so pretty and the men are so handsome!!

Delight(male) : "Ill go with Love! It makes me so giddish getting to see new things!"

Disgust(male) : "Humans are so disgusting. Filthy creatures of greed and selfishness."

Pride(female) : "I agree with Disgust, as much as I'd like to show off my beauty and strength; I wouldn't bless humans with a chance to see it. If they do manage to get a peek without my permission I'll kill them. And if they dare touch me... It'll be much much worse."

Disgust : "Calm yourself Pride. I guess it's settled, we'll go to an empty wasteland-"

Pride : "No! We'll take over a castle or mansion! Something worthy of my presence! And I want it East so I can see the sunrise! It'll be perfect!"

Sadness(male) : "That wasteland idea sounded very nice... A place of solitude, one could harm me there could they..? Perhaps I could even change it to my liking? I'll be up North in the cold."

Anger(female) : "I wanna beat someone's ass right about now! What do ya say Hate? Head to the South and kick some ass?"

Hate(male) : "Sounds fun indeed. I may hate everyone but beating the shit out of them sounds just marvelous!"

Sadness : "What about you Insanity? Where shall you go? Perhaps a research lab?"

The one called Insanity cackled crazily and cooed at Sadness.

Insanity(male) : "Oh how FUN that sounds! But I'll spend my time feasting on the residents of this planet..until there is no one but me and my Kakarot. I'll be in the middle of all the destruction you seven caused. He'll have to come running to me at some point.

Insanity blushed hard at the thought of the strong younger male.

Love : "See! I told you it wasn't a bad idea falling in love with Kakarot!"

Insanity : "Yes, and I'm very grateful you had done that Love. Now I truly have a reason to stalk my Kakarot."

The Insane looking replica of Vegeta cackled crazily before all of the emotions separated. First Hatred and Anger, Then Love and Happiness, Disgust and Pride, Sadness, and finally.... Insanity.


"Alrighty then, it sounds like we do have a problem on our hands. Especially you Goku." Whis said before pointing at Yamcha and Krillin. "You two will go get Vegeta's Love, out in West City." He then moved to Tien, Goten, and Trunks, "You three will get Vegeta's Disgust and Pride, in the East. Most likely a castle or something." He pointed to Goku, Beerus, and Frieza, "You three will go after vegeta's Hatred and Anger. We can all guess those are most likely his strongest emotions, and the least reasonable. They will be South" He turned and pointed at Piccolo and Gohan, "You two will get Vegeta's Sadness up North."

"Why do we have to capture vegeta's Sadness?" Piccolo asked acussingly, he felt a little called out that he had to get Sadness of all emotions.

"Because Vegeta's Sadness doesn't fight often, and if he does it'd be over in a flash. He's much more powerful than he sounds. He's tall, shy, wears a long white haori over a light blue kimono, and has summer colored flowers on his obi with ice shavings on it. He usually appears with slightly blood shot eyes while crying, he also has long royal blue hair that goes down to his lower back with pink flowers in it."

"Is that really why you want us to get Vegeta's Sadness?" Gohan asked before Piccolo could.

"No. I chose you two because Vegeta's Sadness has a thing for decorating wastelands and I was hoping you would mind telling me what he did." Who's said, he was being completely honest.

"Okay one last question before we part ways." Goku said scratching the scar on the back of his head. "How do you know what Vegeta's Sadness looks like? Do you know what the rest look like?"

Whis gave Goku and surprised look and slowly pointed to his staff. The staff that allowed him to see things from across the universe, talk to those even further than that, rewind time even!

Everyone smacked their foreheads as Goku asked, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"He could see Vegeta's Sadness through it Goku" Bulma said with a sigh.

"Alrighty then, it seems it is time for your departure. Once you capture the emotion you've been assigned come back here." Whis said, walking away gracefully.

"Wait then what are you gonna be doing?!" Goku yelled down the hallway.

"Eating!" Whis called back.

"Lucky" Goku whined as Beerus pulled him out of the house and started flying South.

Should I continue this?

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