Homelife Part 3: I'll be there

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Nope. No kakavege picture here. Not this time
I may have butchered this a little though..
Or a lot.
But that doesn't matter.
Because I spent way to long on this. And now, after all your patient waiting. It's here. Chapter three. Somewhat.
But it wouldn't be here without the help of DBZisbussinbussin, everyone's help is greatly appreciated ❤.

"Nuh-uh! That's your chores!" Goku protested.

"Mom said get up!" Raditz shouted back.


"Get up!"

"Five more minutes!" Goku rolled back over with the covers, facing the wall.

Suddenly, he was yanked harshly off the bean bag he slept on, banging his head on the floor. "Owieee!!" Goku cried out, kicking his feet and holding his head in pain.

"Shhh!! Shut up! Shut! Up!" Vegeta whisper-yelled at him whilst covering his mouth.

'Oh yeah.. ' Goku thought, 'Vegeta's dad is still sleeping.'

"You done?" Vegeta asked, obviously annoyed.

Goku nodded, tiny tears in his eyes. "Alright. Now go get in the shower, you reek." Vegeta said whilst crawling back in bed.

Goku gave him a horrified look. "What are you doing?" He asked, hoping his assumption was wrong.

"Going to sleep." Vegeta mumbled, drunk with exhaustion.

"Wha-" Goku threw his hands to either side of him.

"Today's friday Kakarot. I don't go to school on fridays." Vegeta replied clearly.

"Oh right. Forgot." He could hardly remember the days where Fridays were his favorite, not because it meant the weekend, because Vegeta wasn't there.

"Get in the shower. Wake me up when you're done."


Goku turned around at the familiar voice, gasping in shock as he saw Bulma running his way.

"Bulma!" He spread his arms out wide.

"Eeeeee!!" They screamed together as they hugged, Goku lifted her in the air slightly as he spun her around.

"Oh my kami I missed you so much!!" Goku squealed, so excited his childhood bestie was back.. early?

"Oh my gosh I'm so glad I'm back. Whew it was such a pain being with that woman." She wiped her brow as Goku had set her down.

"Has she gotten worse? Her sickness, I mean?" Last time Goku saw Panchy she was taking lots of color coded medication, and was slightly more aggressive than usual.

That day she had smashed a cup of the floor and forgot to clean it up, and instead walked all over the broken glass. When Goku and Bulma came in from outside Bulma saw the glass and stopped, but Goku did not.

"Yeah.. She's been emitted to a mental hospital. At least she's getting help now. You wanna know the shitty part? Now I have a shit ton of make-up work I gotta do." Bulma crossed her arms as the last few words past her lips.

"But it's fine because I've been doing the work I can while I was in the hospital and I already had a 4.7 GPA in my advanced classes plus the extra credit." Bulma shrugged.

"You have A's in every class?! The only thing I have an A in is P.E!" Goku looked shocked, completely forgetting that Bulma was one of, if not the, smartest kids in school.

"Well that makes sense. You even workout and train at home, P.E is like light exercise for you." She replied with a giggle.

"Wanna hang out after school? My place? Dad told me that you were stuck at Vegeta's house." She whispered the last two words, then paused before grabbing goku's chin and checked either side for bruises or scars.

She hummed accusingly, as if she believed what she was seeing wasn't true. "Goku, how long have you been staying at his house?"

Goku shrugged nonchalantly, "few days? Mom and Dad get back Sunday."

"So how 'bout it? You coming over?" Bulma inquired whilst pulling her hand back.

"Yeah, but I should let his dad know first. Don't wanna get myself in trouble over something so small." Goku chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

Bulma nodded silently, her face darkening slightly as she turned her face away. 'No. Not him. Anyone but him. Please Kami don't let Vegeta to to Goku what he did to me. Don't do it please. He doesn't deserve that.'


"Pretty cool that they let us out early today." Goku said walking at Bulma's side.

"Yeah, sucks it was cause of all the fights.." She inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Alright, I've gotta head back. See you tomorrow!" Goku called as he walked in the direction Vegeta showed him.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. Wait, that's the bad part of town!" Bulma shouted back, turning some heads nearby.

"I know!" Goku was at the stop sign, about to turn the corner.

"Don't forget to ask-!"

"I know!"

He had turned the corner before she got anything else out. 'Dammit! Damnit! Dammit! Dammit! He's already got him tied around his finger! Calm down, Bulma. Calm down! Why would Bardock and Gine put him in such an unstable household?? Well, they probably didn't know. The Prince establishment has always had a reputation of quality worthy of Royalty. Until you reach Vegeta and his dad, that is.'

Bulma shivered. 'I can't just stand idle by and wait for something bad to happen to him. I've gotta do something now, catch them in the act!' She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and dialed a number.

"Dragon City Police Department, how may we assist?"

Okay I may have lied. This isn't all of chapter three.

Or is it...?

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