Disgruntled Driving.

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Hotch squeezed Cecile's hand as he heard her speak. 'Actually, your looks tell me that you're a whore with daddy issues. You have no self-respect and you lack any morals or values. Not only this, but you got smacked in the face with an ugly stick while every other stick smacked your vagina,' he retorted, pushing to see how far she would let him go.

'You wish you saw my vagina. And you're just jealous because you have only ever had vanilla missionary sex before. But if you want to find a desperate slut who is always willing to play into your fantasies, there is a mirror in the visor,' Cecile snapped back. 'Keep attacking me like this and I am going to gain all the weight I once lost and body slam you. After this, I will lose all of my weight again and be a skinny bitch while you suffer from brain damage,' she threatened.

'I hope your crops whither and bear no fruit,' Hotch replied while playing cold.

As Cecile opened her mouth to respond, a car turned the corner behind them and their lights flashed for a moment as they moved over a speedbump. Worried that something was wrong, she glanced up and checked the rear view mirror. As she did so, a loud unexpected yell erupted from her lips as she pulled to the side of the road and slammed the breaks on, the car behind them passing quickly. 'What the fuck!' She shouted before closing her eyes and resting her head on the steering wheel while trying to avoid the horn.

'What's wrong?' Hotch asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt and tried to pull her away from the wheel where she was laughing. 'Why are you laughing?' He asked, growing hesitant of her actions. 'If this is just another stunt to get into my pants then you are out of luck. We need to get to the crime scene. Unless you're trying to get out of your second dumpster body in as many days, then I am going to drive if you can't handle it,' he warned while waiting for her explanation.

Laughing into the wheel still, Cecile managed to free a hand from below her head as she pointed behind them. Hotch slowly turned and his eyes grew wide as he noticed Prentiss and Reid in the back seat with wide, intrigued glances, their lips were sucked into their mouths as they hid smiles. 'So, you two,' Reid awkwardly commented while trying to avoid eye contact.

Caught short, Hotch wasn't sure how to react when Cecile suddenly began driving again, tears forming in the corners of her eyes from her laughter. 'Buckle up, Babe,' she joked before looking in the mirror again. 'You two should probably keep your mouths shut or I will tell Pooh Bear what happened on the last case,' she warned as the navigation told her to go all the way around a roundabout, taking a sharp turn to do it in time since it was such a small roundabout.

'What happened on the last case?' Hotch asked suddenly as he found his professional voice coming to the surface.

Shaking her head, Cecile refused to answer while the other two agents looked out the window as if nothing had been said, both pondering their options. 'Fine, but I want some answers. How long has it been?' Prentiss asked eventually.

Hotch moved to answer, when Cecile cut over him. 'We aren't together. Just some emotions. But we didn't kiss until the other night, my date was awful. I'll update you when we are on the jet back. Even Jess looked ready to fight the man when I told her what happened. I went to Aaron's house after the restaurant,' she informed them. 'Nothing else to know.'

Only time would tell if they could keep a secret, when they arrived at the scene, everyone was already there and stood next to the bin when Hotch stood close to Cecile and nudged her. 'We aren't together? I thought there was something between us. I thought we loved each other and wanted to be together,' he remarked while watching the rest of the team get close to the body.

'I don't do relationships. And you're still healing, is it the best time for us to be together? Jack and Jess are still learning to adapt to the situation they're in. What would Strauss say? There are just so many reasons why being together is a bigger deal than just loving each other. Love is only part of a relationship,' Cecile breathed as she pulled her gloves on.

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