'If it's that bad then why do you put up with them?' Georgina asked while sneaking a chip.

'Because I loved you two, plus when I was hurting the most, I didn't have the capacity to hate them. And Jen was always there, she rubbed it in my face that there was nothing I could do. Don't become bitter like she is,' Cecile quietly pleaded while parking the car.

As soon as they arrived, the front door was opened as their parents and older sister stepped out with a small yapping dog on a pink lead. 'We need to go now, Jen isn't sure if the traffic will be clear enough,' Margarette spoke, making the three younger girls look at one another with pointed looks.

'I drive to the airport a lot, you'll be there seven hours early, at least, if you leave now. But be my guest. Wouldn't want to upset poor Jen,' Cecile chimed while hugging her younger sisters. Cecile frowned as she walked past the older three, nudging her older sister and playing it off as an accident before closing and locking her front door.

When the sun settled, the moon soon rising, Cecile was sat on her sofa with a bowl in her hands as she sat in a pair of pyjamas. Curtains were pulled and a solitary lamp was flicked on in the corner while the television played The Office, only it wasn't making her laugh like it normally did. Eventually the channel was flipped over and a Hallmark movie was chosen. However, a knock grabbed her attention, and the movie was turned off.

Walking up to the door, Cecile opened it without stopping to check who it was. Hotch stood in a shirt and smart trousers with a bag of food in one of his hands. 'I was hoping it was a serial killer,' she remarked blandly while leaning against the frame of the door. 'What do you want?'

'I wanted to see how you were, and I wanted to make sure you ate dinner. You looked like you'd need a friend when you saw your family,' Hotch mentioned casually.

'When I see a friend, I will talk to them. But that doesn't explain why you're here,' Cecile bit back coldly while strumming her fingers against her legs.

Hotch's eyes glanced down to see what had caused the muffled noise, and his eyes raked over her exposed legs and stomach for a long moment, just like he had done many times before when she was more dressed. 'Let's talk. You've not been you recently,' he remarked while pushing himself through the door and nudging Cecile who quietly glared at his assumption.

Food was placed on the table in the corner of the living room where she usually ate dinner since she had no dining room. 'I'm fine,' Cecile clapped back as she crossed her arms over her chest while stood across the room from him.

Looking around, Hotch examined the room before meeting her eye confidently. 'You're alone, in the dark. When I knocked, you didn't check who it was and you claimed to be waiting for a serial killer. Not to mention the fact that you have mascara running down your face, and you're eating noodles with knitting needles. What about this situation screams okay? In fact, I do believe your noodles are cold too, how long ago did you make them?' Hotch asked while unpacking the Indian he had bought for her. It was her favourite order as he recalled.

'I am saving money on electricity,' Cecile explained confidently, ignoring the rest of his words. However, his hardening stare made her gruffly sigh. 'Last week,' Cecile mumbled, making Hotch let out a disappointed sigh.

'CeCe, you can't eat those. You're going to get sick. Come eat some of this,' Hotch offered firmly, leaving no room for her to argue.

Or so he thought. 'Why have you come in here and begun making demands? This isn't a hostage situation. I don't go into your house and judge you, making you do things,' Cecile snapped while straightening her posture.

'You spent weeks at my house judging me and making me do things,' Hotch responded frankly while he walked into the kitchen and searched for plates.

'This is different, Hotchner. For starters, I don't have a child. And I didn't make you do anything unless it was for Jack. Who you should probably be at home with right now,' Cecile replied as she watched him pull a single plate out of the cupboard, and a spoon.

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