Chapter 13: Airport and fresh lemons

Start from the beginning

"It's fine, have you seen the room your staying in?" I ask

"No" Dream says 

"Well follow me then" I say. I walk to the guest room with Dream following me. 

Dream walks into the room and looks around. I look at Dream who is wearing what seems to be old clothes.

"Are those like travel clothes that your wearing?" I ask. Dream turns around and looks at me.

"Sí lo es, me cambiaré más tarde. (Yes it is, I will get changed later on)" Dream says 

"Okay well I hope you like the room" I say 

"si lo hago muchas gracias (Yes I do thank you very much)" Dream says 

"It's no problem" I say. Dream looks down at his suit case and opens it.

"te compre algo (I bought something for you)" Dream says 

"Oh? And what is that?" I ask. Dream pulls out some lemons and hands them to me.

"Estos son los mejores limones que había cultivado y hoy estaban listos así que pensé que te gustarían ya que dijiste que te gustaban los limones (These are the best lemons that I had grown and today they were ready so I thought you would like them since you said you liked Lemons)" Dream says. I take the lemons with a smile.

"Oh umm over there is the wardrove so you can put your clothes in there, I am gonna go put these lemons in the kitchen so you can get changed" I say. I look at Dream's hands to see they were covered in dirt.

"And maybe wash your hands or something, up to you" I say. I leave the room and I shut the door behind me.

I walk to the kitchen and put the fresh lemons into a bowl. I walk over to the tv and sit down on the lounge. I turn on the tv and watch one of my favorite shows while I wait for Dream. I hear a door open which makes me look over the top of the lounge.

Dream walks out from the hallway and looks at me. Dream's hair was all messy which makes his green streaks stand out, his green eye stares at me while the other one is covered in a eye patch, he wears a brown thing around his neck that covers his left arm and his shirt, he seems to wear a odd looking green under the neck thing, he wears a brown belt with some knee length deep-ish blue pants and he wears some blue shoes with white socks.

"¿Quieres que me quite los zapatos por dentro? (Do you want me to take my shoes off inside?)" Dream says 

"Uh yes please" I say. Dream nods and takes his shoes off.

He walks back to his room then comes back. Dream walks over to me and looks at the lounge.

"Did you wash your hands?" I ask. Dream looks at his hands and a bit of his arms are dirty.

"Lo siento, debe ser toda la suciedad de jadear nuevos limoneros. (Sorry, it must be all the dirt from panting new lemon trees)" Dream says 

"Oh no it's fine" I say "Don't be sorry, just go over to the kitchen sink and wash your hands"

"Bueno (Okay)" Dream says. Dream walks over to the kitchen sink and I watch him. 

He turns on the tap and washes his hands with the soap. Once Dream finished he turns off the tap and dry's his hands on his pants. Dream walks over to me and I move over on the lounge. Dream sits down on the lounge and looks at the tv.

"Que buena tv la que tienes (That's a nice tv you have)" Dream says 

"Why thank you" I say "Do you have any movies or tv shows that you like?"

"No en realidad no (No not really)" Dream says 

"Okay I'll just keep this on then, you might like it" I say 

"Bueno (Okay)" Dream says. After a few minutes I pull the stuff out of my pocket and look at Dream who is watching the tv.

"Dream, can I see your arm please?" I ask. Dream looks at me.

"¿Cuál? (Which one?)" Dream says 

"The one that has the cut on it" I say. Dream gives me his arm and I look at it. 

I take the cloth off his arm and look at the cut which hasn't really stopped bleeding. I put the stuff for cuts on Dream's cut and he jumps. I put a towel against the cut. I pull the towel away and put the bandage over it.

"There does that feel better?" I ask

"se quema un poco (It burns a little)" Dream says 

"Yeah don't worry it well but now that, that stuff is on it, it should heal better" I say. Dream pulls his arm away.

"Gracias (Thank you)" Dream says 

"No problem" I say. Dream faces the tv.

"Gracias por tenerme aquí (Thank you for having me here)" Dream says 

"It's really no problem Dream at all" I say. I look at the tv.

For the rest of the day we sit back and relax, and watch some tv.  

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