Chapter 51: The Golden Trio

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Malaya got into a routine of sneaking into the castle whenever she could to see Snape. For a blissful couple of weeks, it felt like they were safe from the outside world, living in the bubble they created. But she wasn't naive, she knew the war raged on and that Voldemort was growing restless. 

She hadn't seen Voldemort since before the first assignment. They had been communicating through Snape. She had been sent to do a few smaller assignments but nothing major. Malaya couldn't shake the feeling that he was saving her for something bigger. 

Malaya sat on her bed with a large book laying on her lap. She was writing a letter to Ginny - she kept it short, not giving away who the sender was. Ginny had been staying home for some time - never returning to Hogwarts after their talk. She missed her terribly. The sun had already set and she wanted to get the letter out by the morning. However, before she could finish it, she heard a commotion from the bar. 

Malaya pushed the book off of her, the letter slipping quietly to the floor. She crept to the door, placing her feet strategically as to not make the floorboards creak. 

Aberforth had strict rules about her staying here. She was not to make any noise when people were here, which is why she spent her days with Snape instead. However, she knew curfew had passed and it would be unlikely that anybody would be in the bar. 

Malaya pressed her ear against the door, trying to listen. She could hear muffled voices. Aberforth wasn't alone. 

Malaya grabbed her wand, holding it tightly, and opened the door as quietly as the old wood would allow. The voices instantly grew louder but she couldn't make them out. They were hushed, as if trying to be quiet. 

She recognized Aberforth's voice, booming up the stairs roughly. She struggled to make out any words. She tiptoed to the top of the stairs, straining to hear. 

The muffled voices grew louder as she carefully walked down the stairs. She was able to make out a few words, a few different voices. 

"There's no way in," Aberforth was saying. "They've got all the secret passageways blocked. Dementors are surrounding the place." 

He was talking about Hogwarts. Malaya struggled to get in every time, but managed to find the secret tunnel through one of the shops at Hogmeade unblocked. However, after curfew, it would be impossible to get in. 

"We'll wait until morning if we have to." 

She recognized the voice.

"Harry?" she said, stepping out from the staircase. 

Sure enough, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat at a table with Aberforth. 

"You really don't listen, do ya?" Aberforth asked her. 

"Malaya, what are you doing here?" Harry asked, gaping at her. 

"You know each other?" Aberforth asked. 

As he spoke, two figures in the portrait behind them were growing larger and larger as they walked forth. Everyone turned to watch. The portrait swung open to reveal a doorway and a grinning and dishevelled Neville appeared through it. 

"I knew you'd come! I knew it, Harry!" Neville exclaimed. 

Aberforth stood. "This will lead you to Hogwarts." 

"Neville?" Harry gapped. "What- how? How is this possible?" 

"This leads to Hogwarts?" Malaya interrupted. "I've been risking my neck every day getting there when this was right downstairs from where I was sleeping?" She turned on Aberforth, slightly furious. 

"You were going to Hogwarts every day?" he said back. "How?" 

"By dodging Dementors and almost killing myself every time!" Malaya almost shouted. "Why didn't you tell me this was here?" 

"I thought it would encourage you to go. Clearly you're dumb enough to do it anyway." 

Malaya turned to Harry. "Harry, why are you here? What's happening?" 

Harry looked toward Ron and Hermione before answering. "We need to find something at Hogwarts." 

"Does You-Know-Who know you're here?" 

"If he doesn't yet, he will soon." 

Malaya's jaw set, her eyes turning glossy. "This is it, isn't it?" 

"I'm not entirely sure," Harry answered honestly. "Part of me hopes so." 

"And the other part?" 

"The other part is slightly terrified." 

For a moment, the world felt frozen. Harry said something to her, but she didn't hear what it was. All Malaya could think about was Snape. All she could think about was how much she needed to see him before Voldemort arrived at Hogwarts. Before whatever was going to happen this night would happen. She needed to be with him. 

Before anybody could say anything else, Malaya took off through the portrait, ignoring the calls coming from behind her, and she ran. 

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