Chapter 46: The Dark Mark

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Malaya held her fist up to Snape's door and hesitated. She made it to the castle unseen but the realization of how reckless she was being suddenly hit her. Before she could turn and leave, the door opened. 

Ginny stood in the doorway, her eyes wide in surprise. 

"Malaya!" she said, embracing her in a hug. "What are you doing here?" Ginny asked once they broke apart. 

Snape appeared behind Ginny, masking his shock at seeing her. 

"Yes," he drawled, "what are you doing here, Miss Hansley?" 

"I..." Malaya was trying to think quick. "I go to school here." 

"Malaya," Ginny said urgently. "What the hell happened? Where did you go? There have been crazy rumours about you getting kidnapped. What happened?" 

Malaya glanced at Snape who shook his head slightly. 

Malaya looked back to Ginny, grabbed her arm and dragged her inside the office. She shut the door, enclosing Ginny, Snape and herself in the space. 

"Ginny, it's really important that you don't tell anyone you saw me," Malaya said. 

"What are you talking about?" Ginny's eyes drifted to Snape. 

"I was kidnapped," she said. "Then I escaped with Luna." 

"Where's Luna?" 

"I can't say," Malaya said sadly. "But she's safe. The Death Eaters are looking for me and-" 

"When did you escape?" 

"What?" Malaya asked, taken aback. "A few days ago." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"How was I meant to do that?" 

"How did you escape?" Ginny asked suddenly. 

"Ginny, I-" Irritation was flowing through Malaya. "I just escaped. The details don't matter. Promise me you won't tell anyone you saw me." 

"I promise," Ginny agreed. She glanced at Snape again then back to Malaya. "Why are you in the castle?" 

Malaya looked toward Snape, silently begging for help. 

"I would like to know the same thing," Snape said slowly. 

Malaya stopped herself from rolling her eyes. 

"Wait..." Ginny said. "If you're hiding from Death Eaters, then why did you come to Professor Snape's office?" 

"What are you insinuating Miss Weasley?" Snape asked. 

"Look," Malaya interrupted, "I can't explain everything right now. I have limited time and I have to get back before curfew. I-" 

"Please do not tell me that you are staying in Hogsmeade," Snape said, his voice deep and neutral. "You are not that foolish, are you? You will be found within a day." 

Ginny looked at Malaya and Snape perplexed. 

"Don't worry, it's safe," Malaya said. 

"Nowhere is exactly safe, especially not Hogsmeade," Snape countered. "You might as well let me hide you here if you're going to be reckless." 

"I didn't come here to be berated about my safety." 

"Why are you so found of dying, Miss Hansley?" 

"I'm not!" Malaya snapped. "I won't be found." 

"Why would you risk everything to come here?" Snape questioned. "You are making the idea of locking you up and throwing away the key ever-so appealing." 

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