Chapter 47: The Dark Lord

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A tall man stood before Snape's desk, dressed in long, flowing, black robes. He stretched out his neck, his skin was pale and grey, as if he was decaying. His black eyes were like slits and his long fingers gripped his wand. He looked barely human as his energy filled the room. Malaya froze, unable to avert her eyes from this figure. 

"My Lord," Snape said suddenly, bowing to Voldemort. 

"Severus," Voldemort said, his voice cold. A shiver ran down Malaya's back. "Why have you summoned me?" Voldemort's eyes drifted toward Malaya. "Who is this?" 

Malaya realized that Voldemort had never seen her before - even though the Death Eaters were looking for her, Voldemort did not know her face. 

Snape turned to look at Malaya. His face was unreadable. 

"A student, sir," Snape said. "She wishes to join our ranks." 

Malaya tried her best to keep her face neutral. Instinct took over her body, a drive to survive that she had only felt twice in her life. She bowed her head low so she was looking at Voldemort's feet.

"My Lord," she said barely above a whisper. 

Malaya was overly aware of her wand in her pocket and wondered if she should reach for it. Should she try to kill him? Could she kill him? He seemed inhuman. Would reaching for her wand cause her immediate death? There was too much uncertainty. 

"Look at me, child," Voldemort hissed. 

Malaya slowly lifted her head, meeting his gaze. 

Voldemort gazed down at her, as if studying her.

He turned to Snape. "You brought me here for this?" 

Snape turned to Malaya. "She has important intel on Harry Potter that she thought might persuade you to accept her as our own." 

Malaya stopped herself from glancing toward Snape. I'm going to kill him. 

Voldemort looked at Malaya. "Yes?" 

"My Dark Lord," Malaya started, thinking fast. "Thank you for simply acknowledging my existence. You might have heard of me, but we have never met." She felt Snape tense up beside her. She looked at him briefly, begging him to trust her. "I came here as a student from Canada. The Malfoys took me in. I was wrongfully imprisoned a few weeks ago in Lucius's cellar. I escaped with Harry Potter." 

"You were in Lucius's cellar?" Voldemort asked. "Why?" 

"I..." Malaya sucked in a quick breath, afraid that he might lose his patience at any moment. "I was looking for my friend and asked Bellatrix for help. Instead, I got locked up in that cellar." 

Voldemort took a step toward her and Malaya resisted the urge to step away. 

"Where did Harry Potter go?" Voldemort asked. 

"I will tell you if this allows me to become a Death Eater." 

Voldemort smiled and lazily pointed his wand toward her. "You will tell me regardless of your wishes." 

Malaya watched his wand. "We apparated somewhere in Northern Ireland." Snape cocked an eyebrow.

"Where?" Voldemort asked.

"It was a forest," Malaya said quickly. "I don't know the name. We were surrounded by pine trees."

"Why did you leave?" 

Malaya glanced at Snape. "I wanted to see Severus. I was gone for a long time. I wanted him to know that I was all right." 

Voldemort looked at Snape. "Is she not a bit young for you, Severus?" 

"It isn't like that, my Lord," Snape said. 

"What does Severus mean to you?" Voldemort asked Malaya.

Malaya could see Snape shake his head ever-so-slightly. "He's a mentor." 

Voldemort laughed. "A mentor," he repeated. "Tell me your name." 

"Malaya Hansley." 

"Malaya," Voldemort said, sounding it out. "Tell me why a student as young as yourself wants to join the Death Eaters?" 

"I believe in a world of only pure bloods," Malaya said. "I believe in what you believe in, my Lord. I want to prove my loyalty to you. I wish to join and fight alongside you." 

"I do not trust easily..." 

"For good reason, I'm sure," Malaya said. 

Voldemort was silent for a moment then he took another step toward Malaya so they were inches from each other. "If I find out you lied, you will pay with your life." 

"Of course," Malaya breathed.

"Northern Ireland?" 

"Yes," she whispered. 

Voldemort turned to Snape. "Keep her close." 

Voldemort apparated in a cloud of black smoke. 

Malaya felt like she could breath again. 

"He isn't in Northern Ireland, is it?" Snape asked after a moment of silence. 

"I would be really surprised if he were." 


"That lie was your fault!" Malaya snapped, slowly gaining feeling back in her body. "You had to go and say I wanted to be a Death Eater." 

"It was all I could think of when we were both moments away from dying!" Snape shouted. 

"He won't know that I lied," Malaya said. "Harry obviously wouldn't stay in one place too long. He would be gone by now, no matter where he was." 

"I can't keep saving you," Snape said. 

"You just told me you don't care for me," Malaya said, crossing her arms. "Then why do you keep saving me?" 

Snape pinched the bridge of his nose. He then let his hand fall. "I care, Malaya. I obviously care." 

"So you just wanted to hurt me?" 

"I am not good for you, Malaya," Snape said. "Clearly." 

"Do you really think I care about that?" 

"I CARE!" Snape yelled, anger transforming his face. He turned and walked toward the window, gazing out. "If you die-" 

"I won't die," Malaya said. "You don't need to save me all the time." 

"You say that but the Dark Lord does not wait for an explanation. He simply kills." Silence as Malaya watched Snape's back. "I don't know what to do. I don't know how to protect you anymore." 

Malaya didn't respond at first. "What if we run away together?" she asked quietly. 

Snape turned to look at her. "Run away?" 

"Yes." Malaya stepped toward him. "Just the two of us. Wait out this war. Then, when it ends-" 

"If it ends..." Snape interrupted. "Malaya, I can't leave." 

"Why?" Her voice broke. "Why can't you give this up?" 

"It is not about giving this up," Snape said. "I cannot explain everything right now, but I am needed in order to end this war. If I leave, it is likely that what needs to be done will not get done." 

"What are you talking about?" 

Snape stepped toward her, holding her arms as he looked at her. "I need you to accept this as my reason for staying. At least for now, until I can tell you more. Right now, we need to find a way to keep you alive." 

"And you." 

Snape looked at her for a moment then kissed her. Hard. He held her close, his arms wrapping around her and her hands reached for his back, his arms. Malaya desired nothing more than to stay like this forever. Her heart hurt at how blissfully unrealistic this dream was. 

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