Chapter 50: The First Assignment

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Malaya woke to the morning sun blinding her through the curtained window. Snape's black sheets were twisted around her. She reached for Snape, but he wasn't there. She sat up, his large, black shirt she wore as PJ's draped around her, looking around the small room. Snape was nowhere to be seen.

As she got up to get dressed, the door opened and Snape walked through. He appeared slightly flushed, his brows furrowed in concern. 

"What is it?" Malaya asked.

Snape locked eyes with her. "Your first assignment." 

Malaya's heart sank. She was silently hoping it would never happen, or at least not happen this soon. 

"What is it?" she asked hesitantly. 

"He wants to know who was with Potter when he rescued you." 

"Nobody," Malaya answered without missing a beat.

Snape took this in for a moment, watching Malaya closely. "I assumed that's what you would say, so I told him that much. Naturally, he doesn't believe you." 

"What's my assignment?" 

"He wants you to find out if Miss Weasley has any information on Harry Potter," Snape said. "He seems to think she might know something." 

"I don't think she knows anything," Malaya said. "Besides, can't we just lie and said I did it?" 

Snape shook his head. "There's a strong chance he comes to interrogate you himself. He knows that I care for you and is worried that means I'll protect you by lying. He can't read my mind but he can read yours." 

"So what do I do?" 

"You need to play the part, as I did," Snape said. "Talk to her. Ask her for information. If you are correct and she knows nothing, you have nothing to worry about." 

"And if she does know something?" 

"It's a risk you will have to take." Snape leaned against his dresser, folding his arms in front of him. 

Malaya sat at the edge of the bed and buried her face in her hands. 

"Also, the Dark Lord knows about your affair with Lucius." 

"What?" Malaya snapped her head up, gawking at Snape. "How?" 

"Lucius's mind is weak," Snape said, a small smile on his lips.

"That is so disturbing," Malaya said. "Why tell me this?" 

"Perhaps it'll serve you in the future." 

"You just think it's funny." 

"I told you for your own benefit. Me finding it humorous is simply an added benefit." 

Malaya rolled her eyes. 

"It is one more thing he can use against Lucius if he needs too," Snape added.

"Narcissa already knows. I don't see how else he can use this." 

"Narcissa knows?" 

Malaya nodded. 

"It could destroy the image Lucius has created for the public," Snape explained. "That is enough to control him." 

Malaya thought about this, tucking away this piece of information for later. 

Later that day, she sat in Snape's office, biting her nails nervously when Snape walked into the room. Followed closely behind was Ginny. 

Malaya stood and rushed to her friend. They hugged tightly. 

"Malaya," Ginny breathed as they separated. "I wasn't sure I'd see you so soon." 

"I wanted to talk," Malaya said. "I owe you an explanation." 

"You don't owe me anything," Ginny replied. "I'm just glad you're safe." 

Malaya nodded. She turned to Snape, giving him a look.

"Are you certain you want me to leave?" he asked slowly, his eyes lingering on Malaya. She could see a hint of concern behind his neutral expression. 

"It's fine," Malaya said, annoyed that they were having this conversation again. "Go." 

"I don't-" 

"Sev," Malaya said sternly. Snape's features set. He hated that nickname. "Leave." 

Malaya and Ginny watched him go. When the door closed, Ginny turned to Malaya.

"If you're going to explain anything, please explain what is happening between you and Snape." 

They sat by the fire and Malaya turned to her friend. "There's not much to explain. We developed a friendlier relationship due to him being at Malfoy Manor often." 

"Do you trust him?" 

Malaya tried not to hesitate. "No." It hurt her to lie. "But he is helping." She would trust him with her life, but Ginny couldn't know that. At least not right now. 

Ginny nodded. "I've missed you. Neville has too." 

"I've missed you guys so much," Malaya replied truthfully. That part of her began surfacing again, the part that wished things were different and life could be normal. The part of her that wants to simply go to school, chat with friends, study for exams, be with Severus. She tried to push this part down. It hurt too much to think about. Sometimes, everything felt unfair. 

"There's things I haven't told you about the day I escaped," Malaya went on. She took a deep breath. "It was Harry who rescued me." 

Ginny's eyes went wide. "You saw him? Is he OK? Was my brother with him? Where are they now?" 

"Ginny, I can't answer all of that because, well, I don't know all the answers." Malaya shifted uncomfortably. "We didn't talk much. And he was alone when he came." 

Ginny's face fell slightly. Malaya's heart ached. She had to lie just in case. 

"He looked well," she offered, wanting to provide some type of comfort. "As well as anyone can be in these times." 

Ginny nodded and swallowed. Her eyes glistened as she hung onto every word. 

"I don't know where he went or what he's doing," Malaya went on. "Ginny, have you heard anything from him? Do you know where he might have gone?" 

Ginny shook her head slowly. "I don't." 

Malaya nodded, letting out a breath of relief. 

"Why?" Ginny asked suddenly. "Are you looking for him?" 

In all of her planning, Malaya hadn't prepared for Ginny to question her. "I have no where to go. I was thinking of joining him." 

Ginny nodded. 

"Will you tell me if you hear from him?" Malaya forced herself to ask, pleading that Ginny wouldn't.

"Of course," Ginny said, placing her trust in the wrong person. 

For the next hour, Malaya and Ginny talked about things that didn't really matter and it felt nice. Ginny told her about classes and friends, Malaya shared stories about her past. It was a conversation they might have had if everything was normal. 

Eventually Snape came back. 

"Miss Weasley, it is getting late," he said. "Perhaps you should return to your dorm now." 

Malaya and Ginny embraced before she left. Malaya's heart was heavy. 

She opened her mouth to speak and Snape shook his head. 

She understood. She knew she shouldn't share this memory with Snape, for fear of Voldemort understanding their plan. 

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