Chapter 6: Warning

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Malaya stared at the soup dripping from her spoon, the lone noodle swaying in the pool of liquid. 

"Is the soup cold, dear?" Narcissa asked from across the table.

Malaya looked up in surprise, remembering that she was at the dinner table with a handful of other people. "No, it's great." 

"Is something wrong?" Narcissa persisted. 

Malaya dared to steal a glance at Lucius, who was looking at her with warning. Malaya swallowed hard. "No, I'm fine." She tried to smile but knew it looked forced. 

"Are we going over to the Manards tomorrow evening, darling?" Lucius asked his wife, trying to redirect her attention. 

"Yes, they're expecting us," Narcissa replied. "Can you wear your navy suit?" She covered his hand in hers. "I love that suit on you." 

Lucius smiled. "As you wish." 

Malaya dropped her spoon in her bowl, the sound reverberating across the room. Everyone turned to look at her. 

"I'm sorry," she muttered. "It slipped." 

Lucius shook his head ever-so-slightly. 

Draco watched her cautiously and Narcissa looked worried.

Malaya pushed her soup away. "I don't think I'm very hungry. Dinner was lovely, but I think I'll just retreat to my bedroom and rest."

She left everyone as they gawked after her, the sound of Bellatrix sniggering following Malaya through the halls. When she reached her bedroom, she collapsed into her bed, stuffed her face in her pillow and screamed. She turned around and stared up at the ceiling. She stayed this way for an hour, until a soft knock came at her door. 

She sat up as the door opened and Lucius stepped inside the room, his dark outfit a contrast to the cream-coloured furniture. He shut the door behind him quietly. 

"What is the matter with you?" he hissed. 

"Nothing," Malaya said. 

"What was that?" He took a few steps closer and sat on the stool. 

"I just got nervous being around your wife," Malaya explained slowly. 

"Nervous about what?" 

Malaya looked at him in surprise. "About our affair, obviously!" 

"You need to get it together," Lucius whispered. "This does not concern Narcissa." 

Malaya looked down at the ground. Her stomach was in knots, and she knew she felt guilty. Narcissa had been nothing but kind to her and she goes and sleeps with her husband. She felt like a terrible person. 

"If you cannot behave around her," Lucius went on, "then avoid her." 

Malaya shook her head slowly. "And you're just okay with all of this?" 

Lucius furrowed his brows, not understanding what Malaya meant.

"She's your wife and you're okay with what we did?" Malaya elaborated. 

"Do not worry about me," Lucius said. "I can handle myself." 

Another knock came from the door and before Malaya could say anything, the door opened. Draco walked in, his gaze landing on Lucius.

"Father?" he asked. "What are you doing in here?" 

Lucius stood quickly, pulling at his shirt. "I was just checking in on our guest." He turned to look at Malaya. "If that is everything, Miss Hansley, I will bid you goodnight." 

Malaya nodded and Lucius walked to the door. He turned back to look at them both, opening the door wide with one hand. "The door remains open." With that, he left them alone. 

Draco turned to look at Malaya. "What was my father talking to you about?" 

"Nothing," Malaya said a little too quickly. "I mean, he just asked if I was feeling okay." 

"Right," Draco said slowly. "And are you?" 

"I'm fine," Malaya said, the word 'fine' beginning to sound strange to her. "I think I'm just nervous about school." 

"There's nothing to be nervous about," Draco said nonchalantly. "You can hangout with me if you don't make any friends." 

Malaya rolled her eyes. "Gee, thanks." 

They hung out for about an hour when Draco left. Malaya wandered the house aimlessly, needing a distraction from her thoughts. She ended up in the kitchen where she found wine, and poured herself a drink. After she finished her first glass, she poured a second. Moments later, Lucius found her.

"Drinking alone?" he asked, eyeing the wine. "That's a bad habit to get into so young." 

"So is sleeping with married men," Malaya muttered. 

Lucius threw her a dirty look and Malaya took a long sip of her wine to keep her from talking. 

Lucius poured himself a glass and they drank together in silence. When Lucius was on his second glass, he reached out to stroke Malaya's face. 

"I know this is difficult," he said sincerely. "But I don't want to stop. You've done something to me. You're... addictive." 

Malaya looked down at her wine, unsure of what to say. 

"Tell me what you're thinking, love," he said, letting his hand drop. 

Malaya met his eyes. "I don't want to stop either," she whispered, barely recognizing her own voice. "I just need to get used to the idea, maybe." 

"Don't tell me to stay away, because I can't." He took a step toward her. 

"I don't want you to stay away." She closed the distance and his hands wrapped around her waist. "I just need to process this." 

"Can you process it while I'm in your bed?" he asked gently, a fire of desire blazing in his eyes. "Or while I'm having you in my office or..." he looked around the room, "in the kitchen." 

He kissed her gently. They broke apart prematurely when they heard footsteps. As they stepped away from each other, the door swung open and Bellatrix walked in. She eyed the glasses of wine, looking at Malaya and Lucius in turn.

A smile broke across her face. "Well, well, well," she said, appearing delighted at what she walked into. "Drinking with the student. This is quite interesting." 

"I asked for one glass," Malaya said quickly. "I was feeling nervous about school and Mr Malfoy thought it might help to have a glass. But I'm going to bed now." 

Bellatrix raised her eyebrows, her smile never leaving her face. As Malaya walked by her, Bellatrix whispered, "You might want to be a bit more careful. It would have been a shame if Narcissa walked in here instead of me." 

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