Chapter 39: A Failing Plea

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Malaya wasn't sure how much time had passed when the door to the cellar finally opened. Malaya recognized the man who walked in but didn't know his name. He was short and stout, rat-like features on his face. 

He walked toward the cell they were in with a tray of food. He slipped it inside a small opening. On the tray, there was three pieces of bread and three cups of water. 

"Where's Lucius?" Malaya asked the man. 

"I have been instructed not to speak to the prisoners," the man said nervously.

"You are speaking to us," Malaya argued. 

The man turned to leave. 

"Tell Lucius that I need to speak to him," Malaya called after the small man. 

The door slammed shut and the man was gone. Luna tapped Malaya on the arm and offered her the bread. Malaya pushed it away. 

"You have it," she said. 

Luna walked over to Mr Ollivander, offering him the extra bit of bread. 

More time had passed and Malaya grew restless. 

"They took me from my home," Luna was saying. "It was quite confusing at first. I didn't know that I was at the Malfoys." 

"Did Bellatrix hurt you?" Malaya asked.

"She hasn't bothered me in awhile," Luna answered. 

"And why are you here?" Malaya asked Mr Ollivander. 

"Have you ever heard of the Elder Wand? Also known at the Death Stick," he asked instead. 

Malaya shook her head. She had never heard of it. 

"It is known to be the strongest and most powerful wand in the world," he explained. "Conquered only by disarming its previous owner, most of its wielders die." 

"Is it real?" Malaya wondered. 

"You-Know-Who seems to think so." Mr Ollivander looked off into the distance, deep in thought. "He believed I could provide him the answers he sought regarding this wand." 

"And could you?" 

He shook his head no. 

"They must be keeping you alive for a reason," Malaya said thoughtfully. 

"They think I know more than I do," he said. "If that is what is keeping me alive, then let them believe it." 

Malaya wouldn't say it, but she could not understand how being alive in this cell was better than death. 

The door opened once again and Lucius walked through. Malaya rushed to the bars. 

"Have you calmed down?" Lucius asked. 

"Lucius, get me out of here," Malaya uttered. "Please." 

"I love the sound of you begging, love." He smiled. "But I'm afraid I cannot persuade Bellatrix to free you." 

"I'm not asking Bellatrix, I am asking you." 

"There is nothing I can do," he said dismissively. He took a step away from the bars, as if to leave. 

"Lucius." Malaya closed her eyes, trying to focus on the right words. "Lucius, please." She looked at him, met his grey eyes, hoping to see a hint of empathy. "Have you never cared for me at all? Was it really all an act?" 

"You know I cared, Malaya," Lucius said, his voice hushed. "I have told you this before." 

"Then how can you watch me suffer?" she asked, her voice breaking. "How can you be okay with this? Does it not hurt you at all to see me as your prisoner?" 

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