Chapter 40: Escape

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Malaya looked to Luna and Mr Ollivander as she heard shrieking coming from upstairs. 

Luna's bright eyes drifted upwards. "I wonder what's happening." 

"I dunno," Mr Ollivander said slowly, looking up as well. "But it doesn't sound good." 

Malaya's heart tightened. She wanted it to be Snape, she wanted him to be here and to know where she was. She wanted him to find her so deeply, every nerve in her body felt like it was on fire. 

But she also knew the consequence that would come if Snape freed her; the wrath he would have to face from Voldemort. Panic took the place of hope. If it was Snape, he would most likely pay with his life for saving her. 

A loud bang sounded from upstairs and she thought she heard someone scream. 

"Was that Bellatrix?" she asked out loud to nobody in particular. 

Loud noises started coming from beyond the door. Malaya cautiously approached. When Luna did the same, Malaya grabbed her arm, holding her back. 

The wooden door swung open. 

"Back!" a man yelled. He was large and hairy. Malaya recognized him. He would always look at her as if she was a snack for him to devour. He creeped her out. 

Malaya held onto Luna, backing away from the cell door. 

The large man dragged down 4 new prisoners. Malaya didn't recognize a single one. There were three boys and a goblin, bounded by their hands. The one with the red hair struggled against his bonds the most, thrashing as their captioner pushed them into the cell. 

Someone screamed from above, as if they were being hurt. 

"Harry?" Luna said. "Is that you?" 

"Luna," Harry said. 

"Hermione!" the red head screamed at the top of his lungs. 

"Wait, you're Harry Potter?" Malaya asked, looking at the boy. His face was distorted, as if swollen from an allergic reaction. "What's wrong with your face?" 

"Who are you?" Harry asked. 

"She's on our side," Luna said for her. Luna dug into her pocket and withdrew something small. "Here, turn around." 

She worked at the ropes around his wrists until they came undone. She then did the same for the three other prisoners. 

The red headed boy screamed at the bars, his shouts turning into sobs. 

"They've got Hermione," Harry explained. 

Malaya slowly connected the dots based on what Ginny has told her. 

"You're Ginny's brother," she said. "Ron." 

Ron said nothing, he continued to bang his fists against the bars. 

"They won't let us out," Malaya said. 

"We need a plan," Harry offered. "Wait-" 

Harry reached around his neck at a pouch, digging inside of it. Eventually, a piece of a mirror fell to the floor. Harry crouched down by it, looking into the mirror. 

"Help!" he screamed into it, as if it were a person. "Please, help us!" 

More screams from upstairs, sobs from who must be Hermione. 

The door opened again, and to Malaya's surprise, Draco walked inside. 

"Draco!" she screamed. 

Draco's eyes widened slightly upon seeing her. "Malaya, what-"

"Draco, you have to get us out," she pleaded. 

Draco eyed the prisoners, until his eyes fell on the goblin. "They want to see you." 

"Griphook," Harry said. "They most likely want you to identify the sword. Please tell them it's a fake. You must." 

Griphook said nothing as Draco opened the cell, grabbed the goblin by the arm, and locked it back up. 

"Draco, please!" Malaya tried again. 

Draco didn't meet her gaze as he left. 

"For fuck's sake!" she screamed after him. 

She turned to the other prisoners as a crack sounded from thin air. She blinked and a house-elf stood in the middle of the cellar. 

"What the hell is happening?" Malaya asked. 

"Dobby?" Harry said. 

"At your service." Dobby winked. 

"Dobby," Harry said, his tone serious. "Get Luna, Mr Ollivander, Dean and Malaya to Shell Cottage. Then come back here." 

"Yes, sir," Dobby said proudly. 

"I'm not going anywhere," Malaya announced. 

"Why not?" Harry asked. 

"I want to help," she said. "I want to face Lucius and Bellatrix. I want them punished for what they did." Her words did not sound like her own, but she knew she was the one speaking them. 

The other prisoners stared at her dumbfounded, except for Luna. 

"I want to help too," Luna finally said, breaking the silence. 

Harry blinked, appearing to snap out of some trance. "Look, you both will help by staying out of the way. If we have to worry about protecting you both as well, it'll slow us down." 

Malaya crossed her arms. "What makes you think you need to protect me? I can take care of myself." 

"This is ridiculous," he said. "We don't have time to argue." 

As he said this, they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. 

Harry turned to the house-elf. "Dobby! Now!" 

Dobby took the hands of Luna and Mr Ollivander. The wand-maker took Dean's hand while Luna reached for Malaya's fingers just on time. 

They apparated away. 

Malaya smelled the air before she could see where they were. The ocean. They were standing on a patch of grassy-sand, the water surrounding them. A small cottage sat at the edge. 

Malaya looked around. Dobby vanished, leaving them there. 

Malaya turned and made eye contact with Luna. She looked like she felt bad, like she was at fault for Malaya being brought here. Malaya wanted to say something but nothing would come out. 

"Malaya," Luna said delicately, "we should go inside." 

Malaya didn't respond, but allowed herself to be led by Luna. The owners of the cottage, another one of Ginny's brothers and his wife, welcomed them inside. Luna and Mr Ollivander filled them in, while Malaya watched out the window. 

She wasn't really looking at anything in particular. One single thought clouded her mind, making everything else fade. I need to leave. I need to find Severus. 

"They're back!" Luna said cheerfully. 

Sure enough, Ron and Hermione had apparated outside.

Malaya, Luna and Dean left the cottage and began approaching them. Malaya would get some answers then leave. 

As they got closer, Malaya could see the tears that stained Hermione's cheeks. She looked worn and tired. 

Suddenly, Harry apparated, the goblin beside him and something small and fragile in his arms. 

They all turned to greet the newcomers, until the look on Harry's face stopped them. 

Dobby lied in his arms, looking tiny. 

"Oh no," Luna whispered. 

Malaya took a couple of steps toward them when she noticed the dagger in the house-elf's chest. 

Harry was saying something to Dobby, but Malaya couldn't hear. Dobby's orb-like eyes were watching Harry, blinking slowly. Then he said something that Malaya didn't catch. And she saw the moment he faded away, the moment he was no longer there. 

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