Hood story part 3

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After I was done pimping, I went to check on my girl. I saw that the windows were broken and my door was wide open. "YNNN!! YNNN!!" I ran and saw the whole place trashed and destroyed. My girl was on the floor crying with glass shattered on her arm. "Baby who did this???" I said bent down to her. "You alright?" I kept going. "Baby...i don't want to live here no more.."

*5 days after*


I was chilling getting my dick sucked by a whore when i seen YN grabbing her bags outside. "Hold on bitch..." I lifted homegirl head off my dick. I pulled my pants up and looked outside. "Baby please don't leave me... I'll find out who did this to you and kill em." De says holding her hands. "Baby doing that won't do much but make things worse for the both of us. I love you De." She kissed him one last time before driving off. De started panicking. I laughed. "Come bitch bend over i deserve fuckin!" I said going back on the couch.

Later that night, me and the gang was playing card games and dice. "NAWW MAN RUN ME MY MONEY!!" I yell at my member laughing. The doorbell rings. "Go get it man it's probably the pizza." I said to homie next to me. Just as he opens the door. He gets kicked in the balls by someone. We pull our guns up and pointed at the front door. The person made his way towards me. "Lámelo Fuckin Ball. You're a bitch you know that?" He grabs me. "Who tf are you?" I asked. He punched me over and over again. He throws me against the floor. My gang tried to shoot him but he would just hit and kick the guns out of their hands. The only person who can do that is.. DEANDRE..My nose and lips were bleeding. He takes the ski masks off and starts laughing. "YOU THE ONE THAT MADE HER MOVE OUT!! YOU TOOK MY ONLY HAPPINESS AWAY FROM ME! YOU DID IT AGAIN!! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO CHILL THE HELL OUT WHEN SHES HERE!! If you wanted war... then let it begin." He laughs evilly. I laid on the floor scared shitless.

I couldn't sleep that whole week. I looked at the house i destroyed and felt bad. I know homie was missing her like crazy. I was walking down the block when his goons seen me and chased me. I ran jumping fences and turning corners. But once i jumped on the last fence i fell and that's when they jumped me. Apparently De went up north to live with YN. They had no leader..no one to tell them when to stop or not. They left me on the ground. Till i closed my eyes.

I went to see my baby in her new house, away from home. She opens the door. "BABYYYY!!!" She excitedly hugs me and jumps on me. I grabbed her and she smelt the same and felt so good. She kissed me and it just turns to a whole sex scene. We finished and she looks at me. "I miss you De." She smiles at me. "I missed you too baby. I decided to move in with you." I said. She gets all excited. Moving out the hood was the best choice i ever did. I got my dream job, got married, and even got a little family on my own.

Few years later, i visited home. My baby is back home with my kid. I just wanted to see if anything changed. Everything looked dead. Our old house been demolished. But Melo's house is still standing. I knocked on the door. No answer. I looked inside the window and saw someone in a corner. I turn the knob of the door and seen that it's open. "What the fuck..." I seen that the person in the corner was Melo. "Melo??? Yo!" I shook him but he leans back and his face was foaming. "OH FUCK!!!" I called ambulance for him.

"Why'd you call 911? Why you ain't just let me die?" I looked at De. "I can't just let you die like that. It was ugly. I watched the people I love do the same shit you did but I couldn't save them." De sighs. "I know you and me had some type of beef but we too grown to be fighting. I gotta daughter at home that will be influenced by what I do. That's why i got out the streets. Maybe you should see the bright side too. You can get help." De explains his self. I looked at him. "De, homegirl broke up with me, i dropped out of college and no job will hire me because of my jail records. I almost died 6 times and been jumped too many times. I don't know what to do anymore. I lost everything." I sighed. "Mr. Ball..your lunch is ready." The nurse walks in with his tray of food. "Hi! I'm Lou! I'm his nurse." She shakes De hands. "I'm Deandre." "How are you feeling Mr. Ball?" She asks me. "I'm fine Lou and please call me Melo. For real ma." I smirked at her. "Sorry Melo. I'll be back to check on you." She leave me and De alone again.

"It's not too late to start over

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"It's not too late to start over." He says. He gave me some resources. "I gotta go man but you be safe ok?" He dabs me. "Here's my number if anything." "Thanks again man." I smiled at him. He leaves and now I'm all alone. "Start over....." I stare at the phone numbers.

5 months later*

"Melo I don't know..." Lou looks at me while we in her bed. "Just tell me when to stop. I promise you'll love it." I kissed her stomach then went down so her kitty. Started sucking on kitty. She starts moaning like crazy. "FUCK!!" She yells. I spit and went ham again. "YEAAHH YEAAAHH MMMMMM!!" She screams. I kept doing it until she creams. "I'm surprised you ain't tell me to stop." I smiled at her. "You ready for the big league?" I said pulling down my pants. I kissed her and then i put it in. She gasped looking up at me. I did my strokes slowly. She grips my back and moaned. "YESS BABY FUCKK!!" She yells at me. Our faces were close to each other making eye contact. As i went faster she grips me harder. "MELOOOOOOOO BABYYY IM COMING IM COMING!!" She yells. "Come on me baby!" I whispered in her ears. I then kissed her neck. "YEAHHH YEAHHH IM RIGHT THERE!!! OHHHHH!!!!!" Just then she squirts so much on me. "Oh my god! Melo I'm sorry sorry!" She says as she sees our mess. "We ain't done yet baby. Flip over!!!"Making love with someone you fell in love with is the best thing ever! Plus my life going back to way i want it to be!

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