going pro part 1

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"I'll be home a little late babe. Coach added more hours. Watch over the little man for me ok?" Melo says before hanging up. Lately Melo has been so head on over going pro. There's times where I think he forgets about pregnant me. I tried to make him hangout with me and the baby more but he stays at the court. I was at the grocery store when I called him. I don't know..without him I felt depressed. Like i'm carrying this relationship or I should say the baby and I. I walked to the bread aisle. I tried to grab the wheat bread on the top shelf. But it was too high. "I got you." A worker says grabbing the bread for me. The worker was a fine tall man. His hair was in a high ponytail. He was Melo's height too but he had a neck tatto and an arm sleeve. "Oh thank you." I chuckled as I put the bread in the basket. "Hey i've seen you around here all the time. Where's your man? I don't see him around." He asks me. "Oh he's just busy with school. You know he's just tryna do his thing." I chuckled. "Don't he know that he got a family behind?" He asks me. "You ask a lot of questions...." I said trying to walk away. Im just saying...look you come here all the time and you're saying that your man is always not here kinda says something." He says from a far distance. I froze and turned around. "Look..Aj." I read his name tag. "I thank you for looking out for me but me and Melo are happily married and everything is alright." I took a deep breath. "Look Y/N it's getting late and I know you take the bus..let me take you home. I just want you to go home safe." He knows my name???

"Why should I trust you?" I asked him

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Why should I trust you?" I asked him. You know me and I know you. You can film me or something I don't know. But you can trust me." He says to me. It was getting dark. "You better not be on some weird shit." I sighed. "Great! let me clock out real quick." He runs to the back. I check out the bread and slowly wait for him. "Ight Andy i'll see you tomorrow." He says as he walks up to me. "You ready to go?" He asks me. I nod my head. We both went inside the car. The car ride felt awkward at first. "So you recently moved here or?" He asks me. "Yeah I recently moved with Melo." I never got the time or energy to visit the place. With me being pregnant and Melo barely home I just tend to sit around" I said. "I mean I can show you a few places if you want." He stops at a red light. "I would love that." I smiled at him. He smiles back. "Ouuu grillz?" I laughed at him. "Chill." They just grillz you never seen a guy with grillz?" He laughs with me. He finally makes it to my apartment. "Thank you so much for the ride." I smiled getting my grocery bag. "Naw it's cool. I hope we get to do this more often." He smiles back. A flirt?? Interesting. "Hey can you hook me up with a job there?" I asked. "While you're pregnant?" He questions. "I'm not gonna make Melo do all the work." I said to him. "Mhm I like that.. I'll see what I can do." He responded. "Thank you so much!" I smiled. "Hey let me help you upstairs." He said to me shutting his engine. "Aj it's only one bag." I looked at my bag. "Just come on. You on your third trimester I gotta help you." He held my hands and walked me upstairs where my apartment room was. I unlocked the door. "Melo?" I called for his name but im assuming he's still gone. "Still not home." I said putting my bag down. "This place is nice." He looks around. "Thank you. I tried to do a little decorating for the guest." I said putting the bread down. "You want anything to drink before you go?" I asked him. "Naw, I'm cool." He says. "Who the hell is this?" We both turned to the front door. It was Melo. He was holding his duffel bag. "Melo babee!" I hugged and kissed him. "This is Aj." He works at the grocery store down the block. I'm hoping I get a job there as well." I smiled. "It's nice to meet you man." Aj pulled his hand out but Melo just walks past him. "This nigga took you home?" He asks me. "Melo...please." I whispered. "You fuckin my girl?" Melo yells at him. "Melo no stop he didn't do anything." I tried to calm him down. "Look man I can leave.." He says heading out. "Yeah you better leave!"
Melo yells. "Night Aj." I told him. "Night Y/N." He closes the door. "So you want to be a damn hoe or something?" He says to me. "Melo please he just dropped me off. It was dark." I said. "Your ass couldn't wait for me????" He yells at me. I felt my heart shattered. "You were coming late.." I sighed. Melo went in his room in silent. "Make me my damn sandwich. I'm gonna take this shower and it better be ready." I sighed. He goes up to the bedroom and closes the door. I cried that night. Right after he kissed me goodnight. I felt so hurt. I cant leave him though he's my baby daddy. My everything. But it's not over yet. He made me miss my interview at the grocery store and he forbid me to see Aj. BUT WAIT IT GETS WORSE!

*weeks later*

"WHO THE HELL IS PIZZA HUT AND WHY ARE THEY CALLING YOU AT 3AM??" I yelled at him. "WHY ARE YOU IN MY DAMN BUSINESS?" He yells back at me. Pizza Hut called again. "Answer it Melo.." I said giving him his phone. "BAE STOP PLAYIN!" He yells at me."Melo..answer it." I started crying with tears in my eyes. He hates when I cry. He answered the call. "Melo..babe you still coming over?" Pizza Hut says. My jaw dropped. "Y/N! It's not what you think!" He tried to hug me but I pushed him away. "Baby listen.." He follows me. "Leave me alone Melo... LEAVE ME ALONE!" I started crying. I ran into the bathroom and locked it. "Y/N OPEN UP BABY!" He kept knocking on the door. I went in the bath tub and kept crying as he kept knocking. I didn't want to be by his presents anymore. He was no longer my everything. All I have is myself and my baby.

*to be continued*

Lamelo Ball Imagines ✨😍Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat