14- I Promise...no I swear.

Start from the beginning

-"Meet Jacob...a friend's son." He hesitates as he introduces me to his 4 friends.
I introduce myself as well but I instantly forget everybody's names, I don't care.

Bartolomeo guides us to some basement, and to our left a canteen full of whisky and wine alcohol. To my right a massive pool table and a fireplace with a sofa and two armchairs surrounding it.

-"Let's have a drink to lighten the mood." One suggests as he sees me a bit uninterested to be here.

-"I'll take you up on that." I agree with the light-haired tall man. He hands me a bottle.

-"And the shot cups?" A fat one protests.

-"Ah they are upstairs, mind getting them, Jacob?" Bartolomeo asks me. I nod and stride upstairs to the kitchen. As I arrive I see her on top of a kitchen counter holding a big spoon and reaching for a bucket of ice cream.
An unconscious smile spreads on my lips, she looks like a child reaching for a cookie behind her mother's back.

She finally reaches it and she hops off when I look at her my smile completely fades and my stomach sinks.
Her makeup is all smeared her eyes all swollen and red, and black makeup tears stain her cheeks, she probably hasn't seen herself, the worst part of it all... this was my fault.

She looks at me and ignores me she just calmly walks past me her sweet sent after her as always.

-"H-Hey... I believe this is yo-"
I'm interrupted by two of Bartolomeo's friends.

-"Hey kid what's taking you so long?!"
The smell of alcohol instantly reaches me they have two bottles each, they are wasted and they practically just started, couldn't they have just waited? My irritation starts creeping in.

-"Hey and you brought a girl, that's nice, can I have her when you're done?" One starts laughing.

-"Yeah men it's been ages since I've done a young one." The other starts elbowing his friend.

-"Just don't leave her loose, she might not be of use by then." They both start to boom with laughter at their unpleasant jests.

I look over at Stella, she is standing on the first step of the stairs she looks hurt and angry, about to burst into tears again.

-"Hey! You don't get to speak to her like that!" I roar at them standing in front of her.

-"Ah kid, you wouldn't understand that's the only purpose a woman has." One tries to stop himself from laughing.

-"You guys are fucking sick." The rage and disgust don't mix well with me.

-"What kid you probably won't remember this by morning." What the hell are they saying, I give Stella a side eye and notice her silent tears as she heads for the second step.

-"I haven't tried a drop of alcohol tonight."

-"It's ok mate, if you don't want to shear the lass ju-"
I don't even let him finish when I snatch his neck, looking down at him, who does he think he is?

-"I won't let you disrespect her in my presence." I uppercut his jaw and a nice crunchy crack echoes, giving me a nice satisfaction.
His friend stands there shocked.

-"Hey! What the hell man." The other one tries to grapple me, but I duck down and sink my fist into his left rib. He stumbles back.

-"You know what the best feeling is... after punching someone that bruise you get that hurts you're knuckles days after." I smile at him.

-"W-well your no better I bet you just want her for the same reason." The guy I uppercut speaks as he starts to get up.

Audacity must be on sale this year...

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