Remember the Titans

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I walk into the main room, I couldn't find my journal. I see my 2 brothers, I said" have either of you seen my journal?" Dean looked away and Sam shrugged. I said" Sam, I'm killing Dean." Dean said" we need a lead before I start climbing these walls." I looked at Sam, I smiled wickedly. Sam said" well, um... in that case, I can give you zombies." he gives Dean, the newspaper, I said" guys gets hit by a car, left for dead overnight, guts spilled out all over the road, then gets up and walks away from it." Dean said" nothing about brain munching?" Sam said" remember Bobby's wife, she didn't... munch on any brains." Dean said" well, who's the witness?" Sam said" Montana state trooper, 20-year vet. checked his pulse, saw his insides spilled out all over the place, pronounced his dead with a capital 'D'." before they left, I went up to Dean and said" where is it?" He said" I don't know what you're talking about." I said" my journal, you jerk!" He said" oh that." he had a smirk on his face, I said" tell anyone about what you read I'll kill you with your own Car." I heard Sam muffle a laugh, I glared at him and he went quiet. then Dean pulled it out of his rob lifting it up high in the air, I said" give it back!" He said" no." Then he started reading out loud my last entry. he said" Hey journal,
So my brothers and I are actually doing well. I mean for us it's well. I'm alone in our place, I don't know what to call it yet, they left me because they've grounded me from cases since I left them to go kill that wendigo, a case or two back. I know they are just trying to protect me but I've learned to protect myself. I don't need them for everything anymore not like I used to at least, I mean I remember when I would be scared to stay alone, when I first met them, I was clingy, I would always have their hand or be in their arms, and the funny part is even when I was first found and Sam was 16 or turning 17, I still slept in the same bed as him. Sam and I were always there for each other, Dean was my other half. He would always be there to protect me or when I woke up from a nightmare and Sam was still sound asleep, he would always calm me down.
So that's all for now journal, bye." I screamed" oh my god, jerk!" Sam was laughing his butt off. I grabbed my journal and ran to my room, I didn't want my brothers reading my stuff, my personal stuff, my journal is filled with my life as me. I fell onto my bed and covered my face with a pillow and cried. I heard Sam murmuring stuff, then the hit of someone's head. Then I heard the main door open then close.
They came back with a man, woman and child. I'm in my room the only thing I need to survive is my cereal. I'm pretty ticked a Dean, and a little bit Sam. I locked my door so no one can get in, and I can't get out. I might have put the key to my room only where Sam could reach. Since I'm a billion inches shorter than him, I can't even reach where it is.
I hear my brothers come back. Then Sam come up to my door, he said" Bella, you dead?" I said" no." he said" you're ticked at..." I said" you two jerks." Sam said" deans sorry. I know you won't believe that but open the door." I opened the door and he came in, he said" did you lock us out." I said" yep. I'm still mad at you and him." he said" forgive and forget." I shook my head, he said" I tried. but is all that stuff you write true?" I said" it's true as my love for you two." he said" that's cute but cheesy. and even the entry Dean read a few mornings ago." I nodded, he said" aww. let me tell you something. ' I don't know what I would do without my brothers, never mind I would be dead or weak, vulnerable, scared girl.'." I said" you know what you are a jerk!" I pushed him off my bed. he laughed at me, I stretched out my hand, he grabbed it then I lifted him up. he hugged me and said" get some sleep, kid." I said" I'm only 10 years younger than you and Dean is 14 years older than me and 4 years older than you." he said" you're still a kid, though and you haven't passed high school or middle school or primary school." I said" one thing, have I ever had the time and I was a lost kid till I was 6 or 7 so shut up and get out so I can have my beauty rest." he chuckled and said" yeah, yeah." he picked me up and went near the door, I said" Sam Winchester, you better not throw me!" He said" too late." he threw me on my bed. then walked out. I said" horrible." I fell asleep.

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