Out With The Old

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We are Wisconsin. Sam and I are getting him another coffee and I have about 5 more cans of monster in my bag. We walked up to where Dean was, Dean said" what, are you going for, like, the Guinness record of caffeine consumption? And you, energy drinks. it's like both your fifths this morning." Sam said" yeah, well, every time I close my eyes, lucifer is yelling into my head. it's like I let him in once, now I can't get rid of him." Dean said" you know he's not actually..." Sam said" yeah. yeah, no. I know. uh, try telling that to the volume control inside my brain." Dean said" well, did you try the hand thing?" Sam said" yeah. anyway, long as I'm awake, check it out." Sam gave Dean the newspaper, then said" they're saying drugs, but read between the lines. sounds like she danced her own feet off. might be our kind of thing." Dean said" dancers. they are toe shoes full of crazy." I don't really care, what they have to say, Sam knows I'm in a crappy mood so he isn't gonna mess with me. Sam grabbed my hand taking me to the car and put me in the back seat.
They went into the police station, we are in Portland. for the case. Dean being a jerk he is took the keys to the car with him, meaning it's about to be freezing in the car, luckily I literally have on 4 layers. They came out and put something in the back, and then we drove to a store that has cursed objects, great. I fell asleep. Into a Nightmare.
I'm running through the woods, fire blocks off my way, I turn around and get blocked by the fire. I scream for my brothers, but no one comes. then lucifer shows up, he says" little miss Bella, the worthless, the weak, the youngest, the Vulnerable one." I said" shut up." he said" oh but I can't your brother has let me in now I can haunt your dreams too" you'll never sleep again. I scream" shut up! Shut up!" He keeps taunting me, I kept saying shut up! But he wouldn't, I get pushed down on my hands and knees. I scream. and scream. he won't stop, images of Dean and Sam dying over and over again. I can't do anything about it....
I jolt up sweating, I look around fast, I see Dean in a cafe, I shake my head and get out the car, going to Dean. he sees me and said" have a good sleep?" I glared at him saying" shut up, Dean. why'd you let me sleep." he said" I'm your older brother, my job." he lifted my chin up saying" drink coffee then." I said" I don't like coffee." I pulled my water bottle out of my bag which was filled with monster. Sam comes in, I said" I'm gonna kill Dean." I looked at Sam, he is tired, he needs to crash.
They go somewhere, and kill some leviathans, they come out and we leave going to franks. I fall asleep, somehow.

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