
Let me know if the italic's used later in this chapter to show past dates are difficult to read.

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Elvis POV

The 24th of June, 1957

Everything we did, we did passionately. We fought at every chance we got, and we made up again and fought again faster than she could run away. She pushed me to both my edge and the edge of the pool. Seeing her laugh as I sprung up again, dripping in soaked clothes, I thought it was the most joy I'd ever felt. I wanted nothing more than for it to last and last.

When going away for a few days to record, rehearse and shoot for Jailhouse Rock, I talked about nothing else but Sal to my co-star, Judy. I had become great friends with her, as she spoke of her husband and me about my Sal, not being my Sal. She pushed me to feel as though I could take my chances and go for it. I hadn't dared to confess a single thing to Sal, but God, I wanted to. Lord, have mercy on me if I did.

As both Bill and Scotty were in the motion picture with me, I had let Red stay home with Sal and instead brought along Lamar as my bodyguard. After the press conference, he immensely apologized to both Sal and me. We had our spats, but we'd forgiven him.

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The 18th of June, 1957

«Where are my guns, Sal?» I swung the door open to her bedroom, marching in as she lazily lay on her canopy bed writing in the notebook I'd given her on a midnight trip to the bookstore I'd rented out for the night. Her eyes went big, and she pressed her darling lips together, flat and guilty.

«Nowhere. I guess they didn't like feeling used.» She joked seriously to tone, raising her notebook in front of her incoming smile. Streaks of sunlight shone through the swaying sheer daisy-colored layers covering the pine wood beams of her bed as if dandelion seeds were on their journey. And she thought that book would cover up her true intentions, as she kept her act up, facing me with resting elbows at the end of her bedspread.

Infuriated, I raised my vibrating hands in front of me. «You do not hide my stuff, Sal.» Rushing over her white carpeted floor, I went for her wooden pine tree drawer section, pulling each drawer out to rumble through her stuff. Her entire room reminded me of a cream puff.

«Elvis, give it up!» She called as I heard her crawl out of bed. «Have your fix another way; stop shooting stuff!»

Turning at my heel as I felt her right behind me, I pointed my finger at her button nose. «Oh, I'll have my fix, honey.» I stared her down, narrowing my eyes as she backed away. One foot in front of the other, I followed her, and her sudden changing ways and frightened eyes made me chuckle. «Not so tough now, are we? You know, that pool isn't far off, dear.» I bit my lip cheekily. Her hair flipped in one swirl of her frame, and I sprinted after her as she ran for the door. «Oh no, you can't run from me anymore.» Soft fabric scrunched beneath my hands as I grabbed her waist and threw her over my shoulder. And just to make sure she wouldn't get tempted to try again, I shut the door as she yelled for me to put her down. «Where are my guns, Sal?» I pushed as I bit her arm playfully.

«Elvis! Put me the fuck down!» She shouted, but her laugh was undeniable as I stuck my tongue at her arm.

«Tell me where my guns are, or I'll drool all over you.» I foolishly said against her arm. Walking up to her bed, I threw her at the soft bedspread cover, making her notebook bounce and capture my eyes. As I saw two full spreads of writing in the shadow of my silhouette, I smiled gently. Leaving her to be, I reached for her book and threw myself at her bed with my head resting on the headboard. Traveling through the first line, I watched her sit up with crossed legs at the far end of the bed.

Girl of Mineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें